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Should e-cigarettes be taxed? Legislator thinks so


Member For 4 Years
so if i calculated that correctlly that unassuming $.04 tax would make the tax on a litter bottle of 100mg/ml nicotine $4000! that seems pretty rediculous and would really hinder the diy market :( i wonder what they will actually go with.


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legislators would put turd monitors in your toilet and ass wipe meters on the toilet paper if given have a chance.
They would try and tax you per fucking fart.
Most do not realize you get taxed on taxes and taxed again.. the true taxation rate and has been for YEARS is around 85% of taxes.


Under Ground Hustler
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Acting like nicotine is the problem with combustion is downright stupid.
The day after the tax there will be a YouTube video on how to extract nicotine from patches and lozenges.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Or from homegrown tobacco, which there is already.


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Not many will go through the trouble and expense of extracting their own. To do it properly and effectively takes quite a bit of chemistry. It will be taxed enough to exploit e-nic as a new source of revenue, but not enough so that many will seek other sources...

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