He will win the case and a judgment for use of the trademark name, however, collecting on the lawsuits will be another whole story. The BnM's will suffer a financial burden not based off of the sales of the clones or his loss of sails, but a Per Usage amount for the named mods that are found to have been sold. The BnM's will have to hand over records showing how many were purchased and sold. Half of them will most likely have someone else purchase the mods in question so they can show them as Non sold...Im sure most of them didn't label the receipts as a Chanz mod...Only the really honest ones will have done so, they will be hurt the most as far as the BnM's are concerned, and Hanz will be the one to hurt the most, his company will have trouble finding a vendor for his chips sooner or later. China can sell to anyone they want, and if they don't want to sell to someone, they wont. Sticky business when your buying your material from a company who makes a whole lot more selling to the "clone" market.