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Sigelei V5 won't go past 11w! Help!


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Member For 4 Years
I got my new Nautilus mini. I usually vape at 4 volts. Anyway i was reading and read that the BVC coils vape better at higher volts or wattage. I read vaping at lower voltage while will work but will gunk up the coil. Anyway I switched over my device to watts for the first time ever and set it to 13 watts. But when I fire it says it is only pushing 11.1 watts. So I went back to voltage and set it at 5volts and and I fire it says only 4.8 volts.. Ok switch out the battery.. yup same problem. I have 5 batteries total and they all have the same problem.. they won't go above either 4.8 volts or 11.1 watts. I use AW IMR batteries and charger that stops charging when complete. So whats going on here is my V5 broken or are my batteries going bad..


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What device are you using (vamo?) and what is the resistance of the BVC coil?


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OK. Well ... your batteries are fine since you're getting a vape. 13 watts with a 1.8 should give you 4.84 volts and 2.69 amps. You're getting 4.47 volts and 2.48 amps with a 1.8 if the V5 is only producing 11.1 watts. The V5 is supposed to have a 4 amp limit so that shouldn't be a problem. If you set the V5 lower, say at 4 volts or 9 watts, do you have the same problem?


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No I don't have the problem if I set to 11 watts or below and fire it stays at that setting.. Same with volts if I set to 4.8 volts or below and fire it stays at the volts I set.. Seems to only be a problem if I try to set above those numbers of 11w and 4.8v.. Though I pulled out a battery I haven't really used yet and charged it and at 13 watts it will Vape at 12 watts.. Dont know what is going on here. I never tried to Vape that high until today


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Member For 4 Years
I am on tapatalk too and link is coming in fine.. That is interesting. Gonna read it right now.. Was told never to stack batteries for it is dangerous. I do have 350 laying around I could do it


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks for all your help.. At worst I will retire this thing.. I ordered a nemesis, kick module, magma and Kayfun so I will probably just use the nemesis with the kick from now on when I want to use my nautilus. But thanks for looking out.


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I am on tapatalk too and link is coming in fine.. That is interesting. Gonna read it right now.. Was told never to stack batteries for it is dangerous. I do have 350 laying around I could do it
You can stack 2 18350's in your vamo, I've been doing it for a while. Less vape time, but you're safe doing that in the vamo.

If that does not solve the problem going above 11 watts, you have a bad vamo.

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