A while ago I created an app that lists eliquids from different suppliers. My idea was simple: get as many ejuices from as many suppliers in one place and make it easy to browse and order. My problem was that there were thousands of vendors out there and I had to spend hours going from site to site looking for something new, something interesting, weird, cheaper, premium and just something different and exciting. I made an iPhone App and promised myself I will not make the Android version until enough people request it. Someone from Facebook suggested that I create a thread here and see how many people would actually be interested in seeing an Android version of the app. I hope this thread is not deleted by the Admins and people get the chance to at least share their opinion on the usefulness of such an app for Android. So, you can check out the iPhone version of the app from the link below and see if this is something you would like to see on Android. If I get over 200 likes/yeses, I will go ahead and make an Android one.