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Smok Prince Coil Help

Hello, I'm new here!!
I have a the alien 220w kit since Aug and I love it. I recently got the tfv12 Prince tank ( I believe that's what it is). I was wondering what coils I can use in this tank? I have the other tanks like the baby beast and the bigger one so I have a ton of coils left from them, so I was wondering if those will fit in the new tank.
Thanks for the help!!


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Prince tank from what I understand has 4 coil options and a rba deck.. baby beast coil are a no go..
  • SMOK V12 Prince Coil Family
    • V12 Prince-T10 Decuple Coil Head
      • 0.12 ohm
      • Patented Decuple Coil
      • 60 to 120W
      • 80 to 110W Recommended Range
    • V12 Prince-Q4 Quadruple Coil Head
      • 0.4 ohm
      • Patented Quadruple Coil
      • 40 to 100W
      • 60 to 80W Recommended Range
    • V12 Prince-X6 Sextuple Coil Head
      • 0.15 ohm
      • Patented Sextuple Coil
      • 50 to 120W
      • 80 to 100W Recommended Range
    • V12 Prince-M4 Quadruple Coil Head
      • 0.17 ohm
      • Patented Quadruple Coil
      • 30 to 70W
      • 45 to 55W Recommended Range
    • V12 Prince RBA Head
      • 17mm Deck
      • Two Post Build Deck
        • Dual Terminal Per Post
        • 2mm Diameter Terminals
      • Dual 8mm by 5mm Internal Airslots
      • Unified Wicking Ports
      • Preinstalled Dual 0.25 Clapton Coils

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