Was hoping it would be a cheaper alternative to my other RDTAs, but no it's not, it's got the worst flavor out of the lot.
Not really........it IS a tad
(very very small) different than say a Boreas, which is almost impossible to top, but I have two and the flavor is great on them. I sometimes switch back and forth while on puter just for a difference
(I have different juice in each). BUT I have learned one thing......DON'T stuff ANY wicking down the juice holes, that's a guarantee of dry hits...the juice holes are not that large and ANY restriction will Kill this tank...
I wick mine just like I do the Boreas, but due to the slightly smaller deck area make sure that when tucking tails
(very very well fluffed and then trimed neatly) under and down on deck.....and when your thru doing that .....make sure that you open up the area under the coils so that air can shoot across deck and under coils
(I also raise the coils level with the top of the post, gives a bit more room for this also). Also make sure your deck is very snugly tightened into the bottom..if you don't you'll get it jumping out of TC or giving you a short indication, any looseness will cause you grief. If you wick it like the Boreas there is really no need to remove the deck from the bottom, but has less room to play with admittedly.
Now one issue with mine....straight out of the box and new.......the juice controls on mine are
BACKWARDS! If I turn the tanks in the direction of the inscribed arrows everything is assbackwards.............unlocking flat shuts off juice.....locking opens the juice wide open.......if I forget to check them.........yeeeeecch burned cotton...Due to the small area your working with the coils will heat up really fast, that's why proper wicking and adjustment of the juice control is important.........especially when your running
dual SS Claptons at .28 ohms............not enough air or juice is a guaranteed bad experience!
Since I've started wicking them what I call the right way I can hit the tank hard and fast.....no dry hits, but the tank will heat up rather quickly
(the SS Claptons are beast)...but due to the coils being more or less open straight to the air holes it cools down rather quickly also, especially when compared to it's big brother the SMOK RTA
G2 or
G2 gets hot and it takes it forever to cool down unless the tank is over half full of juice.
S2 is the bottom coil tank........the
G series are RTA's....the
S series are
RDTA's .....but both have to be wicked carefully. Over all the SMOK
RDTA is good tank
(behind the Boreas's I have), and if properly wicked are a great cheap alternative
(make for a good carry around rough housing tank..break it and your not out as much) and fairly tasty on the flavor....as is any properly working and setup
RDTA (an RDTA is one with coils in line with air slots to me.....the RTA's are bottom air feed to me). I've found that whether it is an
RTA or RDTA that proper wicking and juice feed are critical to flavor.....if the flavor is off something is not right with your wicking and/or air flow.......assuming your tank is working as intended.
Also if your running these tanks over 40-45 watts then proper wicking is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT......over 45 watts and unless you have unrestricted air and juice flow just right, everything goes down hill......................even when all is good I notice a dropping off of flavor at higher wattages at least to me it seems that way. These tanks are not BEAST TAMERS
(as the RTA is called) and are really not well suited to really high wattage useage & flavor...clouds they will do......the Boreas WILL go a bit higher before dropping off, but then it has extremely good air flow and massive juice holes
(on the 2.5 mm deck which I use with my high VG DIY). I wouldn't run mine over 75 watts because I'm more into flavor and extended time between charging and filling than clouds! ........I get plenty of clouds at 45 watts!
Been noticing the lower pricing on these..........might have to pick up one or two more......or dig deeper and get some more Boreas tanks!!!