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Smoking and Using E-Cigarettes? Moffitt Cancer Center Wants You To Be “Forever Free”


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In the current trial, the booklets are modified specifically for vapers, as reflected in the title, “If You Vape: Guide to Quitting Smoking”. However, the formal description of the study, as filed with the NIH (here), includes among its objectives producing tobacco abstinence among subjects and terminating “their e-cigarette use as per traditional nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).” One hopes that this study will not embrace the disease-treat-cure model for influencing consumer behavior (here and here).


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Bwahahahaha. Wait. This isn't a joke?

Don't smoke, m'kay. Smoking's bad. Don't vape, m'kay. Vaping's bad. How much more can there be to a pamphlet than that?


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Do I sense some Mr. Mackey in your statement? :teehee::teehee::teehee:
LOL. "Just Say No" is only the title to a theory, a theory that has, in many places, and in many ways, failed the kids because, well, the people implementing it were, basically, Mr. Mackey. I get the same impression here.

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