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Anyone have any feed back on these yet? I am curious......






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Definitely interested in how these are. Kinda leary on getting one because of how the God Mod ended up.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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Seems like that display would really eat into the batt life. Other than that it looks like a super fat iphone.
I hadn't thought of that. Hopefully it has settings for display times etc... I'm very interested in what your impressions are, @Whiskey I'm assuming it hasn't arrive quite yet, lol.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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Will do that as soon as its in hand:)
Awesome, if it's a winner, I may have to get one at some point, or may "need" one, lol. I can find a reason why I "need" basically any vape related purchase, iPV4 probably next. Wishing good usps Thoughts your way.


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Have the Smy God 180 and love it, seen this device and thought the same about the screen eating the battery up not unless it has stealth mode.


Excellence In Service
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I have the God Mod and it has been flawless. Sooooo I'm thinking this is going to be good also.

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