I am new to the temp control game I recently purchased a snow wolf temperature control mod I have a sigelei 150 with the Arctic tank I have both .2 coils and the .5 with the .5 coils I was vaping at 60 watts and with the .2 coils I was around 70 wats now I have the snow wolf and the nickel coils for the Arctic it says they are rated at 80 watts 572 degrees max. so I set the snow wolf to 500 degrees and 70 watts when I press the fire button the wats drop-down to about 9 and fluctuate to around 41 and the degrees drops to 200 and fluctuate to about 450 throughout my hit so my question is where do I set the degrees and the Watts to get the best performance since the coil is rated at 80 watts max and even if I set the mod at 80 watts and the temperature 572 as soon as I hit the fire button they dramatically drop and fluctuate so do I need to raise the Watts or temperature or do I need to raise both because it's not reaching anywhere near 80 watts im using 2 married sony vtc5s and my other set of batteries are the samsung 25. Thank you in advance for any help im just new to temp control lol