I have a pulse v2, I've had it about a year maybe a year and half. It's great little mod. It has like 50,000 puffs on it. I am afraid it is dying though. I was vaping earlier and when I picked it up to hit it. The screen was just black. I thought it was completely dead, so I took the battery out and put it back in. It came right back on and started vaping like nothing was wrong with it. I sat it down and when I picked up the screen was black and wouldn't come back on when I hit the buttons, but it still fires. The screen just won't come on. The back light is still on, you can see it's lit up, but it's just a black screen. It's not in stealth mode I already checked. As long as you keep hitting hitting the screen stays on, but as soon as I sit it down for a little while it goes black. It stays black even if your turn it off and back on, but as soon as you pop the battery out and back in. The screen work again. I know there probably nothing to do to fix it, but I just figured I'd ask and see if anyone know? Sorry for rambling and if my explanation doesn't suffice I could make a video showing what it's doing. Any help is welcome thanks