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Spotting vapers in movies, TV and podcasts

Bliss Doubt

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I don't see many movies, nor any network TV. If a movie is recommended to me, and is available on Prime when I have digital credits, I watch it there. A lot of full length movies are free on YouTube.

My main source of daily entertainment is podcasts. I like to listen to them from my big chair, with a giant coffee or tea at hand, but I can tell when a podcaster is vaping, and lots of them do. They puff on their devices on screen, and you can hear the vapor coming out, in a way impeding their speech in a recognizable way. I'll hear that and jump up, go to the computer to see if I heard that right, and there it will be, a device, a cloud, all easy and nonchalant.

My favorite YouTube channel is BeyondTheVeil, which many will find wacko, about off planet entities, alternate time lines, ancient forms of spirituality, and shift. It's an attractive couple doing the presentations together. He vapes, she doesn't. I love to binge on one of their long vids if the subject matter in the title looks intriguing.

"Emily in Paris" was recommended to me, so I watched the first two episodes. It wasn't great, frankly, but I loved a scene in which Emily is lunching at an outdoor cafe when one of her co-workers glides up on his scooter, invites himself to sit at her table and begins conversing with her while vaping. I loved that! Never mind the rest of it, which is full of stereotypes and bad writing, the only relief being the Paris first district surroundings (the series was filmed on location), and that wonderful short vape scene.

So that's the subject of this thread. Where have you spotted vaping in your favorite movies and videos? Has vaping been seen on network TV?

SnapDragon NY

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I'm about to rat myself out and confess to the junky videos and stuff that I watch. I think I'm addicted to YouTube.

First is a DJ Khaled video with Bieber, Quavo, and Chance the Rapper. No telling what they're vaping.

Also believe I've seen Snoop Dogg vaping on screen, but I can't recall where. Some Comedy Channel roast or something. Also no telling what he's vaping - or maybe I should say - we're pretty sure we KNOW he isn't vaping just nicotine. Hell, nicotine might just ruin the party. lol

I also have seen Dave Chappelle vaping on stage. Sometimes he hits that thing like he's about to go into full meltdown mode.

Oh, also, Samuel L. Jackson vapes. Again, don't recall where I saw it, seems like it must have been in an interview or something. He had this enormous tube mod with all kinds of pieces and parts hooked together, probably paid thousands of bucks for it. I've never seen anything like it in my browsing of vape gear. I'm sure it's probably some custom rig he had made for himself.

Found a pic:


Mod looks suspiciously like an Overlord....does it??? Oh Jeez, no it doesn't.. take a gander at THIS:


Oh, and Katherine Heigl on (I think it was) David Letterman.

I know I've seen people vaping in several movies, but I can't for the life of me remember which ones. I'll come back and edit, if I remember.
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Bliss Doubt

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I think I'm addicted to YouTube.
Me too, addicted to YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble, all of them. There doesn't seem to be a subject you can't explore, or a tutorial or recipe idea, and I'm all in for passive learning. I remember bingeing after work at the old brick & mortar, before I had a computer at home, on YouTube vape review channels.

No telling what they're vaping.

Haha, yep.

...Katherine Heigl on (I think it was) David Letterman.

I have a vague memory of her too, but I saw it on YouTube, not Letterman.

Thanks for participating. Looking forward to more.

Lady Sarah

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My husband and I watch a lot of Netflix. We have found it quite amazing at how much the actors in many of the series and movies are using normal vape mods, not disposables. They are usually tube or box mods with an RTA on top. Other than that, it is hard to tell what kind it is due to it being wrapped inside the actor's hand.

Bliss Doubt

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My husband and I watch a lot of Netflix. We have found it quite amazing at how much the actors in many of the series and movies are using normal vape mods, not disposables. They are usually tube or box mods with an RTA on top. Other than that, it is hard to tell what kind it is due to it being wrapped inside the actor's hand.
That's what I see too. I don't remember ever seeing a disposable.

Bliss Doubt

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Oh, and Katherine Heigl on (I think it was) David Letterman.
I found Heigl on Letterman. I guess the "water vapor" myth was still prevalent at that time. She makes the point I always make to doubters, that nicotine, when it isn't taken via the cigarette, has no more systemic impact or health risk than caffeine. And to the inevitable next question: yes, the e-cigarette is addictive but it isn't bad for you, and it KEEPS YOU OFF CIGARETTES (emphasis added by me, but Heigl said it).

It was adorable of her to let Letterman try it. That's what my friends did when they were trying to convince me, "here, try this". Letterman points out that he got "loopy" without inhaling it, which bears out what we often tell newbie vapers recovering from lung issues, that if the hit on your lungs feels too harsh, you can just get your nic without inhaling, because it gets into your bloodstream via your mouth and nose tissues.

Very amusing. I think I saw this when I was investigating vaping all those years ago. Here it is:

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Bliss Doubt

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Anybody remember when Rachel Ray held up a vape device between two fingers, at arm's length as if it were a live scorpion, saying "this is just a pile of chemicals". Then a few weeks later she was photographed smoking a cigarette.

I used to like her until that. Can't stand when TV clowns try to be your doctor.


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Anybody remember when Rachel Ray held up a vape device between two fingers, at arm's length as if it were a live scorpion, saying "this is just a pile of chemicals". Then a few weeks later she was photographed smoking a cigarette.

I used to like her until that. Can't stand when TV clowns try to be your doctor.

Rachel Ray loves the sound of her own voice far too much for me. She gets on my last nerve, almost as quickly as Wendy Williams and that Ripa woman. Thank the Lord no one makes me watch daytime TV. I'd have to find a channel that plays Dr. Phil all day. lol

She says as the AC/DC plays from the back bedroom. I'd rather hear AC/DC, and that's a big statement for me to make, cause I don't like them, either. But Hubbs has his satellite radio, and he's in love with it, so I'm not going to complain.

Bliss Doubt

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Also believe I've seen Snoop Dogg vaping on screen, but I can't recall where. Some Comedy Channel roast or something. Also no telling what he's vaping - or maybe I should say - we're pretty sure we KNOW he isn't vaping just nicotine. Hell, nicotine might just ruin the party. lol

He made one! When I clicked the link in my Epic browser it wanted me to sign in for age verification. In my Brave browser I didn't have to, which is good because I don't think I have a YT log-in.

(never mind, link removed. it's banned here)

You can still buy his G-pen, but you're right about what it's for. It's funny, now that the "other thing" is becoming l€g@l in so many states, Ebay and Amazon, who banned vape gear in a bow to the ANTZ and nannies, are sneaking this stuff back in, even:

No nic I presume, but I like those needle tips.
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Bliss Doubt

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Dr. Phil is a propagator of vaping disinformation; another among many and quite likely on Big Pharma's payroll. He'd probably start annoying you as much as those others you mentioned...

Gawd, I couldn't finish watching that woman from Pfizer with her prissy little self satisfied pinched up church lady face, as if she doesn't know Pfizer has paid out billions in settlements over their products that have killed, maimed or disabled millions of people.

She looks like she's sitting on a vape pen.

I agree. Grrrrrr!

Lady Sarah

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I think it was the miniseries LaBrea where I first noticed an actor vaping on regular TV. I was kind of shocked, because of all the media attacks on vaping at that time. Then, I started seeing more vaping in shows and movies, as if the industry was giving the namby pamby ANTZ and nannies the big middle finger.


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I just watched "Once Upon a Hollywood" the other day. They had Leo DiCaprio smoking nearly non-stop during that movie. At one point he threw the cigarette away and made a remark something to the tune of "that cigarette tastes like shit." Dunno if that was in the script - seems like, probably not - but I got tickled by it because Leo is a vaper and apparently has been for quite some time.

I'm not generally a big Tarantino fan, but that one was enjoyable. I'd watch it again. Also liked Django Unchained.

Bliss Doubt

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Not a fan of Juul, but some celebs like it here. As it moves along there are some using open systems, incl. Leonardo di Caprio. Why do some of these people look like they're afraid of being caught vaping? Schwarzenegger is like he's looking all around in case police are there.



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Why do some of these people look like they're afraid of being caught vaping?
They're "public figures" and usually have "public relations" managers "handling" them. No one is really "sure" how to "handle" the issue of vaping, "can our client be pro, or con?" Almost as bad as "what is my client's stance on pro-life?"

*pulls pin, counts to two, lobs*

Lady Sarah

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They're "public figures" and usually have "public relations" managers "handling" them. No one is really "sure" how to "handle" the issue of vaping, "can our client be pro, or con?" Almost as bad as "what is my client's stance on pro-life?"

*pulls pin, counts to two, lobs*
If these people had enough knowledge, they'd do like I do every time some dickhead knocks me for vaping... by educating them about the risk differences between smoking and vaping, and the fact that nicotine gums and patches do nothing to help anyone actually quit smoking. I am a prime example.

But no, we see them flip the bird, palm cameras, walk away... anything but educate. Any wonder I don't respect them?


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If these people had enough knowledge, they'd do like I do every time some dickhead knocks me for vaping... by educating them about the risk differences between smoking and vaping, and the fact that nicotine gums and patches do nothing to help anyone actually quit smoking. I am a prime example.

But no, we see them flip the bird, palm cameras, walk away... anything but educate. Any wonder I don't respect them?

Hm, ... Well, ...

Got a similar yet more relaxed view of them. Not really keen to argue with you, and really am not arguing anyway. Oft words get in the way of communication but words are all we have in this medium. Please don't read this post as pretentious. I'm simply at loggerheads in how to convey meaning to you of what I feel/think.

Bliss Doubt

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Ingrid Goes West
A movie I saw not long ago.
The male lead vapes in several scenes. Seems to know what he's doing.
The female lead shares his vape once.

Good topic. Could be a fun thread. Thanks.
Hey Freyja,

I looked up that movie when you mentioned it, and watched the trailer. I wanted to see it, but I waited for it to appear in the "Free for Me" listings on Prime.

So I finally saw Ingrid Goes West. Intense movie. O'Shea Jackson Jr. was adorable in it, vaping all the time, shooting massive contrails through his nose. Wish I could find a clip.

He's cited on this barf fest:


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American Honey. A film from 2018. Lots of smoking. One vape shot.

Don't Look Up. Netflix original movie. Meryl Streep's character, the POTUS, is a cigarette smoker and vapes a pen-style in one scene.

Wouldn't go out of my way to see either but there is vaping.

Bliss Doubt

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If these people had enough knowledge, they'd do like I do every time some dickhead knocks me for vaping... by educating them about the risk differences between smoking and vaping, and the fact that nicotine gums and patches do nothing to help anyone actually quit smoking. I am a prime example.

But no, we see them flip the bird, palm cameras, walk away... anything but educate. Any wonder I don't respect them?
It's a whole litany, but I have it down. If someone wants to say something about me vaping, I feel I have the right to try to educate them, and very often I get a silent, attentive student when I respond. I start by asking if they know what is in the vapor. Then: pg is used in asthma inhalers and in other inhaled medications for lung disease, vg is vegetable glycerin which has many internal medical applications, that pg and vg are used in bath/body products and in foods, that pure pharmaceutical grade liquid nicotine is just a mild stimulant with similar effects to those of caffeine, that vaping helped me stop smoking entirely, that other smoking cessation methods rarely work for people, that smoking cessation pharmaceutical drugs are often deadly. If someone gives you lip, they want a response, and if you can't change someone's mind, then you have tried, and it's all you can do. Nobody else will do it, not the FDA, not the mainstream media, not the pharmaceutical industry, not the corner pharmacy, and if a vape shop tries to promote vaping as a smoking cessation method they stand to receive a "cease and desist" letter from the FDA.

Bliss Doubt

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I don't know when this ran, on what channel, or even if it still is on the air,. It chronicles a 22 year old who will always look like a child because of a rare form of cancer that caught her pituitary and stunted her growth, parents who still treat her as a child, compassionate friends who treat her as an adult equal.

The title of this vid is "I started vaping to look older". Her vaping starts at 5:51, having drinks with friends:


Bliss Doubt

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I guess cartoons are people too.

Bart Simpson learns to vape:

I had no idea. Five years ago, or more, but if you stay with it past the beginning, you begin to see it's a propaganda piece about getting kids addicted to nicotine.

Bliss Doubt

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"Family Guy".

Stewie vapes, and it's another anti-vaping propaganda piece:

And Peter learns about vaping, at 2:56. I can't tell if this is anti-vaping propaganda or not. It's a pretty funny take on "wokery".



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A 2022 sci-fi/suspense movie.
The female lead, Keke Palmer, vapes a pod device here & there throughout.

Keke Palmer 2.gif


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I'm about to rat myself out and confess to the junky videos and stuff that I watch. I think I'm addicted to YouTube.

First is a DJ Khaled video with Bieber, Quavo, and Chance the Rapper. No telling what they're vaping.

Also believe I've seen Snoop Dogg vaping on screen, but I can't recall where. Some Comedy Channel roast or something. Also no telling what he's vaping - or maybe I should say - we're pretty sure we KNOW he isn't vaping just nicotine. Hell, nicotine might just ruin the party. lol

I also have seen Dave Chappelle vaping on stage. Sometimes he hits that thing like he's about to go into full meltdown mode.

Oh, also, Samuel L. Jackson vapes. Again, don't recall where I saw it, seems like it must have been in an interview or something. He had this enormous tube mod with all kinds of pieces and parts hooked together, probably paid thousands of bucks for it. I've never seen anything like it in my browsing of vape gear. I'm sure it's probably some custom rig he had made for himself.

Found a pic:

View attachment 191604

Mod looks suspiciously like an Overlord....does it??? Oh Jeez, no it doesn't.. take a gander at THIS:

View attachment 191605

Oh, and Katherine Heigl on (I think it was) David Letterman.

I know I've seen people vaping in several movies, but I can't for the life of me remember which ones. I'll come back and edit, if I remember.
Its a light saber


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Ahh, the movie was the beach bum with mathew mcconaughey, lol, watchin it now, lol, quintessential mcconaughey

(Heh, looking real close that doesnt look like nicotine, sorry for the bad pic, just snapped one off my tv)
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Sort of got a crush on Mathew McConaughey. Think it was the movie Mud that cinched that. I mean, Brad Pitt is nice and such, but it is just Brad Pitt. There's a lack of depth with Pitt. Watch True Detective season one and see McConaughey go all way out into the depths. Got left wondering regarding him.

Hmm. An example, maybe?

Meeting Pitt at a private bash, greets. Fifteen minutes later, he smiles and flashes the blues, "Hello, I'm Brad Pitt."

Meet McConaughey at same private bash, greets. He vanishes, fifteen minutes later, "Listen, these guys can score us some X, plus they get us over to Y, so we can do Z. Are you ready?"

And X could be funding, gear and equipment required. Y could be a desolate backwater African village. Z could be building a new free clinic to help the people there. How all this is arranged, you ask him. "No questions, we just go and do, hon."

Whereas Pitt is still standing there being his cardboard cutout self.
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Mud was a good movie.
I dunno either of them so i cant give an opinion other than mcconaghey really likes lincoln automobiles and can spew a 2 hour long ad-libbed self-actualization talk out of his mouth hole which in itself is impressive.

Im a big fan of almost all pitt movies, but they were all really good movies, im not sure how much was his acting and what was just the script, wasnt ever on a set.

Except ONE, lol, he did a movie in the 80's like a high school serial killer movie (like scream sorta, but way more kitchy)

Only caught the end of it but it was really bad
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Whoever decided to cast McConaughey and Harrelson in season 1 of True Detective was a genius. I did make it through season 2, but if I were Colin Farrell, I'd be a little embarrassed. It didn't hold a candle to season 1.

Besides which, who DOESN'T have a bit of a crush on McConaughey? lol

Did you ever see him in "Failure to Launch" with Kathy Bates and Terry Bradshaw and the "nekkid room?" OMFG one of the most hysterical scenes in the history of movies, imho.


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It didn't hold a candle to season 1.

No, huh uh. I couldn't get back into after season one ended. McConaughey has this depth, but floats along on the surface. Grins like a fox. You know he's full of mischief, or going to turn what you believe upside down, but in a way you have to stop and think it through. "If you say that is this, well then, how about I make what a who?" "You can't do that?" "Oh?"

Yes, I understand he is an actor. Often wonder, though, how much he genuinely acts.
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SnapDragon NY

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I like watching Johnnie Guilbert on You Tube and on this pod cast he is talking to his guest Kyle David Hall about vaping starting around 37:49 minutes and ends around 39:35 minutes
This is an old podcast from 2021


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