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Squape X Dream - No Leak Build

Here is a build to get your SXD to stop leaking and gain max airflow.

Air flow slots remain unobstructed since the coil and cotton remain just below the slots. Bottom of chamber is filled with "fluffy" cotton covering all of the wick holes on the deck preventing leaking/seepage. It's easiest to put the cotton in before installing the coil. Coil rests on top of cotton bed.

Coil in the photos is a fifteen wrap on a 1.5mm mandrel made of .24 gage kanthal. Comes in at .25 ohms.

IMG_20160705_050254_result.jpg IMG_20160705_050215_result.jpg


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Pillow wick with tiny micro coils. That style was popular a few years ago in RDA's.

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