First of this is my first post. I'm excited to learn more about vaping. I'm trying to quit chewing tobbaco. So I have a vulcan with dual 24 gauge 8 wraps around a 3/32 bit. I like to drip at home.
But on the go and work i am using an atlantis tank with the clapton 0.5 ohm screw in coil. I use both on a SS rig v2. Is this a safe mech mod tank combo. Or should I worrie about my face being blown off. Thanks for the input.
But on the go and work i am using an atlantis tank with the clapton 0.5 ohm screw in coil. I use both on a SS rig v2. Is this a safe mech mod tank combo. Or should I worrie about my face being blown off. Thanks for the input.