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Starbucks Flat White flavor


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I'm thinking of giving a go at a "flat white" flavor. A flat white is equal parts espresso and steamed milk. I'm venturing a guess that 1% each of FA Espresso and Fresh Cream or Sweet Cream might not turn out the way I'd think, the espresso being super potent. Anyone offer suggestions, that has experience with the espresso flavor?


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Never mind... I'm reading HIC's notes on Espresso & a few other flavors, to get an idea for what I have to do!

Teresa P

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Sounds like a cafe con leche, that's a strong Mexican coffee with steamed milk. Absolutely delicious, I love 'em!


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Like 20% Cream and 0.5% Espresso

I was actually thinking about trying maybe 4-5% cream and 0.5-0.75% Espresso and something to sweeten it a little just to see how it turned out. It would probably end up in the trash bin, but trial and error comes with the territory :)


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I remember that HiC had a recipe on here for Customizable 5-Star Coffee that opened my eyes in regards to using FA Tiramisu as a base for coffee-profiles.

While this isn't the flat coffee profile that you're going for, it may merit experimenting with combinations of espresso and tiramisu (in very small %s with espresso being more dominant...possibly 0.5%-1% espresso with ~0.25% tiramisu) if you want to add some minor nuances to the overall profile to get a different coffee-flavor that may or may not be similar to your target profile.

As mentioned before: espresso and tiramisu are very strong so keep them low until you start to dial-in your preference. the %s I mentioned are just a reasonable number I threw out there. I usually have the tiramisu more dominant because I love it's overall flavor in a creamy mix.

You were wise to read HiC's "My Notes On" regarding espresso and tiramisu. Everything I mentioned is essentially his shared info along with the few experiments I've done with coffee juices (so majority of credit goes to him for settings a good baseline with stellar notation).

Edit: So I did some more research on flat whites and came across a really good article describing them (@ CoffeeHunter; interesting read if you're a kind of a coffee-fanboy like me). My comment earlier was focusing more on changing the coffee flavor and less on what mattered: the milk! Near the bottom of the article it has a psuedo-TL;DR comparison between flat white, cappuccino, and latte.
It states that: "Flat White has an even mix of liquid milk and smooth velvet foam so it feels like drinking an espresso, only yummier." The key to this may be getting your coffee/cream base to your liking then playing with flavors that can add more mouthfeel wo/ changing the overall taste significantly. Maybe very small dosage of something like marshmallow or whipped cream could give you a perception of the dairy/cream being just a bit lighter/more-airy to balance the heaviness of the cream flavorings?
Don't take this as definitive insight though because I am definitely not a master mixer. In theory it just seems like it would make sense...but it has been 16hr work/class day with a networking-security final exam so my brain is feeling kinda fried right now...but somehow VU always pulls me back in:p
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flat white coffee was developed in Australia and has become a favorite all over the world. it is similar to a cappuccino but with a thin layer of foam.


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I was just making an order and I noticed nicotine river has Mexican Coffee TFA - has anybody tried this yet? It is a little more expensive than anything else ...$10 for 60ml... still not too bad *can be worse*.

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