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Stealing E-Cigarettes becoming big business for thieves


Under Ground Hustler
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There is not many things in this world that I hate (Child Molester & Rapists are my #1 most hated) than a thief.
Some of these Vendors are Mom & Pop shops, they have their life savings' tied up in these businesses and to take that away is just all kinds of fucked up. - 5150

I live in Wichita and they are all Mom & Pop shops.

I started vaping 2 and half years ago, and there was only 1 vape shop in Wichita and it sucked, now there is tons of shops and due to being small business, they don't have the best security, so the low lifes see them as easy pickings.


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There are mom and pop shops of all types and because it hits the vape community does not give me an emotional attachment. All thieves are lowlifes and will take anything to help them with their hustle. Just like any business and individual, you are a target... plan accordingly.

Anyone heard the story about a month ago, where two punks broke into a Scottsdale, AZ. home and a 12 year old was in the closet, called 911, and thankfully the popo showed up in time to catch them? One of those punks "was" a long time friend of mine until he couldn't stay off the sauce. He would do whatever it took not to work and support his habit. No one is safe so do what it takes to protect yours.

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