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Straight Outta The Great White North!


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Alright, I admit - its not nearly as catchy as Straight Out Of Compton but it'll do in a pinch.

Thank you for welcoming me into the community here. I came here after being uneducated but am looking forward to learning more about equipment and theorem so as to be able to assist friends and others with making informed decisions with regard to their choices in vaping.

I've already had a Mod go boom but that's not for this thread. It sucked.

Thanks again guys!


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Welcome to the VU
Good to have you here.


VU Donator
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Member For 4 Years
welcome to the VU, nice to have you here.
Would like to hear about the blown up mod.


Member For 3 Years
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I'm lazy and as such I'll post the link to the thread I posted it in response to:

Also, if you're lazy like me, I'll post it here (call it a transparency thing for highjacking a Kaboom thread)

Hey everyone. Sadly, I signed up to this site just for THIS thread.

iStick50W (Culprit)
Kanger SubTank Mini (observer)
Me (Angry)

I work midnights and today I crashed for my customary 4 hr nap after work. My iStick 50W was completely drained after shift last night so I set about to charge it in an isolated MONSTER Power bar with Surge protection and with the provided charger and USB cable; as I have done everytime in the month I have owned it.

I woke up to a boom and what sounded literally like a type of firework spewing smoke and flame across a ten foot expanse.

Yes I should have done my homework ahead of time and not bought the goddamn thing in the first place but I truly enjoyed my 100W (no issues) and my 10W which my wife uses. The retail storefront was shocked when I told her it exploded (we had been joking about this in the days prior on my last visit to the shop - karma) and the owner called BS. I arrived with the detonated unit in hand and the look on their faces was shock. They gave me store credit (wasn't seeking that) nor was I looking to embarrass them (I waited patiently for the customers they had to leave before presenting the failed unit respectively.).
The owner said he has been vaping for "a number of years" and never heard of a single iStick failure. Prior to arriving I did some post-incident research (led me here) and a number of other sites and instances, videos etc appeared. A large number of failures and incidents. The only thing I said to the owner, take these things off your shelves before someone gets hurt. He said he couldn't afford to do that but given what he'd seen, he would be returning all product to them immediately at a loss. As a solid, the man gave me an IPV D2 for free. I haven't used it much as I didn't have an 18650 ready to play with it.

As someone fairly new to this realm, and learning essentially on the fly and sadly by folly today - I need to do my research ahead of time. The iStick issue has been around for over a year and I was completely unaware due to ignorance and a lack of education on the matter. Mea Culpa.

Nobody injured - minor damage to hardwood floor (molten battery lava or the bottom door for the casing I think - I ain't no fire marshal) and scorching to my night stand.

As a rookie - this scares the literal sh*t out of me. Please to anyone who MAY READ THIS: This is a cautionary tale. Please research before buying product that someone RECOMMENDS

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