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Strawberries and Cream


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FA Strawberry 3%
FA Forest Fruits 1%
FA Raspberry 0.5%
INW Shisha Strawberry 0.5%
fa Fresh Cream 1%
TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 4%
Cap Sweet Strawberry 3%
TPA Strawberry Ripe 4%

Bloody Strawberries!If you are like me you probably dont get the fuss of strawberry vapes. I often find the strawberry is very faint in them. I like ALL the different strawberry concentrates I have used in this for different reasons but there isnt for me "The strawberry" concentrate, my favourite is actually probably flavour arts though iit always needs something added, so i just put them all in, you definately taste strawberry in this, it reminds me a bit of a strawberry and cream recipe I made ages ago that was much simpler by Fresh03, which along with the fizzmustard one is still my favourite diy strawberry mix.


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Seems to me you're going completely around the world to reach an address a block away. :facepalm:

Inawera Shisha Strawberry 16%
TFA DX Bavarian Cream 6%
TFA Vanilla Swirl 4.5%
CAP Sweet Cream 2%

Or, if you're one of those weirdos who INSISTS on steeping... (though this is the recipe I'm using lately, and I never steep)
Inawera Shisha Strawberry 14.7%
TFA DX Bavarian Cream 5.5%
TFA Vanilla Swirl 4.1%
CAP Sweet Cream 1.8%

Sweetener to taste. This is the best ejuice I've ever tasted, from anywhere, or anyone. Period.



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Seems to me you're going completely around the world to reach an address a block away. :facepalm:

Inawera Shisha Strawberry 16%
TFA DX Bavarian Cream 6%
TFA Vanilla Swirl 4.5%
CAP Sweet Cream 2%

Or, if you're one of those weirdos who INSISTS on steeping... (though this is the recipe I'm using lately, and I never steep)
Inawera Shisha Strawberry 14.7%
TFA DX Bavarian Cream 5.5%
TFA Vanilla Swirl 4.1%
CAP Sweet Cream 1.8%

Sweetener to taste. This is the best ejuice I've ever tasted, from anywhere, or anyone. Period.

lol...I've tried Andria's strawberry recipe, it's definitely strawberry.....!

And pretty damn good......:wave:


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FA Strawberry 3%
FA Forest Fruits 1%
FA Raspberry 0.5%
INW Shisha Strawberry 0.5%
fa Fresh Cream 1%
TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 4%
Cap Sweet Strawberry 3%
TPA Strawberry Ripe 4%

Bloody Strawberries!If you are like me you probably dont get the fuss of strawberry vapes. I often find the strawberry is very faint in them. I like ALL the different strawberry concentrates I have used in this for different reasons but there isnt for me "The strawberry" concentrate, my favourite is actually probably flavour arts though iit always needs something added, so i just put them all in, you definately taste strawberry in this, it reminds me a bit of a strawberry and cream recipe I made ages ago that was much simpler by Fresh03, which along with the fizzmustard one is still my favourite diy strawberry mix.
I'll have to try that Willbo....I too like flavors in the face once in awhile....:wave:


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lol...I've tried Andria's strawberry recipe, it's definitely strawberry.....!

And pretty damn good......:wave:

Yeah, I've started bringing it down, I'm now at 8% less than the original recipe, and not using NEARLY as much sweetener; I can't believe I used to use like 2.5% sweetener, gack! Now if i use 1.5%, after it sits for a few days, I have to mix up a small "remedial" batch with zero sweetener to mix with it. :D


Mr Mixer

Member For 4 Years
I agree willbo, fa strawberry is near my top on strawberry concetrates, I've also tried fresh03s recipe. As far as diff. Profiles in strawberries, FA is the most appealing to me, I'm liking INW shisha straw more, I like tfa ripe pretty good as well. For diff. Applications. But i like the idea of blending the strawberries with forest fruit and raspberry to accentuate them.

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Seems to me you're going completely around the world to reach an address a block away. :facepalm:

Inawera Shisha Strawberry 16%
TFA DX Bavarian Cream 6%
TFA Vanilla Swirl 4.5%
CAP Sweet Cream 2%

Or, if you're one of those weirdos who INSISTS on steeping... (though this is the recipe I'm using lately, and I never steep)
Inawera Shisha Strawberry 14.7%
TFA DX Bavarian Cream 5.5%
TFA Vanilla Swirl 4.1%
CAP Sweet Cream 1.8%

Sweetener to taste. This is the best ejuice I've ever tasted, from anywhere, or anyone. Period.


Have to say my strawberry tastes seem to have gone full circle. My least favourites used to be FA as it was often non-existant and caps as it was artificial but I instantly loved shisha strawberry. Personally I have found shisha straberry really dominant in a lot of my recipes I have tried against other flavours in the recipe a bit like INW raspberry and never even gone above 3% with it and I'm also not loving the flavour of it as much as I used to where as FA has become the most realistic for me and caps seems to bring in the sweetness all the others miss, like I said though none of them are perfect to me and none of them work on there own to my tastes, but then again I am a steeping weirdo haha


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Now if i use 1.5%, after it sits for a few days, I have to mix up a small "remedial" batch with zero sweetener to mix with it. :D

From what I've read about using too much sweetener, that it can fade the main flavor/s quite a bit, and tends to be worse over time.
I tried using some around 2% once and all I could taste was the sweetness, along with that artificial aftertaste:(.
So I'm down to 1-2 drops in 15ml, if I even use any at all, which is rare.
Or the same thing with using a Stevia dilution instead.

May be the same thing for people who put a ton of salt on everything.
I think the taste buds can get desensitized to certain things after awhile.


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Have to say my strawberry tastes seem to have gone full circle. My least favourites used to be FA as it was often non-existant and caps as it was artificial but I instantly loved shisha strawberry. Personally I have found shisha straberry really dominant in a lot of my recipes I have tried against other flavours in the recipe a bit like INW raspberry and never even gone above 3% with it and I'm also not loving the flavour of it as much as I used to where as FA has become the most realistic for me and caps seems to bring in the sweetness all the others miss, like I said though none of them are perfect to me and none of them work on there own to my tastes, but then again I am a steeping weirdo haha

Well, to me, mixing ejuice is very much like cooking... and after I cook a meal, I don't put it on the shelf for a month before I eat it! :D Anything with tobacco flavors is definitely an exception to my no-steeping rule; time seems to be the only thing that will bring any mix with any tobacco flavor in it, to full fruition.

I've tried TFA strawberry ripe, and CAP sweet strawberry, and then tried them together.... and get *maybe* one TENTH of shisha strawberry's flavor. They smell great... and taste like nothing much at all. Apparently my tastebuds were more or less comatose from 39 yrs of smoking, so I've needed very high percentages of flavors in order to have a juice I really love, but that finally seems to be changing; I still use a lot more than most do, but I'm gradually bringing it down, so that now my strawberry & cream is closer to 25% flavor, than over 30%.



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From what I've read about using too much sweetener, that it can fade the main flavor/s quite a bit, and tends to be worse over time.
I tried using some around 2% once and all I could taste was the sweetness, along with that artificial aftertaste:(.
So I'm down to 1-2 drops in 15ml, if I even use any at all, which is rare.
Or the same thing with using a Stevia dilution instead.

May be the same thing for people who put a ton of salt on everything.
I think the taste buds can get desensitized to certain things after awhile.

Actually I find that sweetener enhances flavor considerably -- pre-made juices I've bought, but couldn't really taste, suddenly came to life, once I added some sweetener, and also some Flash. But yeah, sweetness does seem to "grow" as a juice sits on the counter; if I mix more than a week's worth of that strawberry & cream, it becomes completely unvapeable after about 8 days, it's just too sweet. Yet if it's not sweet when I first mix it, I can't really taste it, so I don't really like it. So I mix only about 60ml at one time; if it becomes too sweet after a few days, then I mix up a small amount wtihout any sweetener at all, and add it, and then it tastes good again.

But I'm very much a member of the "Pepsi generation" -- when I was a kid, I put sugar in orange juice, and on Cap'n Crunch cereal. :D



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right now my fave strawberry is caps sweet sb with a pinch of fa sb to seal the deal.

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Yet if it's not sweet when I first mix it, I can't really taste it, so I don't really like it.

Wonder if it may be easier to just mix some up ahead of time and use less sweetener to begin with.
Probably take some experimenting to find the "sweet spot":sneaka:.


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Wonder if it may be easier to just mix some up ahead of time and use less sweetener to begin with.
Probably take some experimenting to find the "sweet spot":sneaka:.

That may be why lately I've been using so much less sweetener; I mix a little sooner, before running out, so it's had time to sit there for a while. But I can't let it sit for too long, because that recipe doesn't steep well at all. But I do think also that my tastebuds are finally showing some signs of life. :) It's about damn time! :D



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I've never done do it yourself recipes before but that's one recipe I'm going to try can someone recommend a site to get those flavors from

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I'm talking about Andria D's recipe

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I'm talking about Andria D's recipe

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk, which is now called "Bull City flavors" -- I got my Inawera flavors from them initially, because they used to not rebottle INW flavors. They do now, so i get my inawera flavors from Poland,, for a FRACTION of the price you'll pay at any US site, and they're in original bottles, not rebottled. However, for trying out a new mix, you'd probably be best off with a small bottle from BCV, where you can get all the other flavors too.

For sweetener, I strongly recommend TFA Sweetener over any other form of sucralose; it doesn't have that artificial whang that all the other sucralose versions do. But, you might not need it; it's a pretty sweet mix already; I just have a huge sweet tooth. :D


ETA: the original recipe is very rich and very sweet, but if you have a hard time tasting flavors in ejuice, that's what you want -- the revised recipe is what I use now, and it's also rich and sweet, but lighter, and it doesn't gunk quite so badly -- the original is a gunk MONSTER -- I had to stop using tanks completely, and use only RDAs with that ejuice. I'm still revising it downward, but I have to do it slowly, so I can still taste it, and not taste a big difference as i drop the percentages. I also add some Flash, because I want good TH even with a sweet vape at a low nic level, but I don't include that in the actual recipe, because most folks don't care for that kind of TH as I do.
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I do as well have a big sweet tooth and I only like sweet juices. I just want the best flavoring in the best sweetener that out there I don't care how much it cost.

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shisha strawberry is sooo strong, i couldn't imagine the %'s you guys are mixing it at.


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BTW what is flash and what is TH I'm very new at this. Diy that is

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I have been vacant for about 15 months now and I have tasted a lot of nasty juices that are out there real chemically tasting juices that's why I want to start making my own tired of wasting money

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BTW what is flash and what is TH I'm very new at this. Diy that is

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TH is throat hit, that tingle in the mouth and throat that tells you you've inhaled something; I can't deal with much vapor, but I gotta have TH, or it's like trying to "smoke a straw" -- just nothing there.

Flash is an additive by FlavourArt, which accentuates the TH you naturally get from nicotine; I started using it almost as soon as i started vaping, because I've never been able to use much nicotine; 10mg was as high as I've ever gone, and as I've gotten down to my current 3.6mg, I've had to use even more Flash. Even when i vaped 10mg (and I use 85% PG), I needed more TH, so when I heard of Flash, I tried it, and it really helps. But, you have to be careful with it; too much, and it just makes you cough. And by itself, without at least a little nicotine, it doesn't do much at all.

Because it's strong and hard to get just the right amount if you use it just as it comes, I make a "pre-mix" with it; right now my pre-mix is 4mg nicotine, using 28% Flash, and 2% sweetener; but I think the next time I mix it up, I'm going to drop that to 1% sweetener, since I'm getting more sensitive to sweetness. With that pre-mix, I use anywhere from 5%-8% as an ingredient in a recipe.



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Ok. Thank you very much for explaining this in detail for me.

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From what I've read about using too much sweetener, that it can fade the main flavor/s quite a bit, and tends to be worse over time.
I tried using some around 2% once and all I could taste was the sweetness, along with that artificial aftertaste:(.
So I'm down to 1-2 drops in 15ml, if I even use any at all, which is rare.
Or the same thing with using a Stevia dilution instead.

May be the same thing for people who put a ton of salt on everything.
I think the taste buds can get desensitized to certain things after awhile.

Im the same, tried sweeteners a few times, and I just dont like it. Either dumbed down stuff muting it or gave the artificial sugary taste in a lot of vendors juices I didnt like so never use it and dont want to try others. I think you either love or hate sweeteners really but they are definately not for me


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Well, to me, mixing ejuice is very much like cooking... and after I cook a meal, I don't put it on the shelf for a month before I eat it! :D Anything with tobacco flavors is definitely an exception to my no-steeping rule; time seems to be the only thing that will bring any mix with any tobacco flavor in it, to full fruition.

I've tried TFA strawberry ripe, and CAP sweet strawberry, and then tried them together.... and get *maybe* one TENTH of shisha strawberry's flavor. They smell great... and taste like nothing much at all. Apparently my tastebuds were more or less comatose from 39 yrs of smoking, so I've needed very high percentages of flavors in order to have a juice I really love, but that finally seems to be changing; I still use a lot more than most do, but I'm gradually bringing it down, so that now my strawberry & cream is closer to 25% flavor, than over 30%.


I dont get the love for straberry ripe either tbh. I hated caps strawberry but I am starting to like it ironically almost as a sweetener to strawberries as I hate actual sweeteners in flavours. I think Im just starting to find shisha strawberry a bit pungent and overly tart almost in recipes and over powering them a lot like the raspberry i used to love, I find that whenever I mix rhodonite now with the inw raspberry and I find shisha strawberry really chemically almost metallic tasting anythign over 2% now, maybe my tastebuds are temporarily screwed too :)


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Actually I find that sweetener enhances flavor considerably -- pre-made juices I've bought, but couldn't really taste, suddenly came to life, once I added some sweetener, and also some Flash. But yeah, sweetness does seem to "grow" as a juice sits on the counter; if I mix more than a week's worth of that strawberry & cream, it becomes completely unvapeable after about 8 days, it's just too sweet. Yet if it's not sweet when I first mix it, I can't really taste it, so I don't really like it. So I mix only about 60ml at one time; if it becomes too sweet after a few days, then I mix up a small amount wtihout any sweetener at all, and add it, and then it tastes good again.

But I'm very much a member of the "Pepsi generation" -- when I was a kid, I put sugar in orange juice, and on Cap'n Crunch cereal. :D


Seems very much split either they enhance stuff amazingly or kill it for people, seems very much the "taste is subjective" argument


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I do as well have a big sweet tooth and I only like sweet juices. I just want the best flavoring in the best sweetener that out there I don't care how much it cost.

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In that case PM me and I will send you Andreas recipe made up for you at 900d per 10ml :)


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shisha strawberry is sooo strong, i couldn't imagine the %'s you guys are mixing it at.

Yeah, cant really criticise something you havent mixed yourself but Im not too concerned on missing out how shisha strawberry will taste like at 14.7% tbh


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shisha strawberry is sooo strong, i couldn't imagine the %'s you guys are mixing it at.

Just 2% for me, which is a more typical usage, and suspect some could use 1% even...
But I do mix in some other things that calm it down a bit IMO.


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I dont get the love for straberry ripe either tbh. I hated caps strawberry but I am starting to like it ironically almost as a sweetener to strawberries as I hate actual sweeteners in flavours. I think Im just starting to find shisha strawberry a bit pungent and overly tart almost in recipes and over powering them a lot like the raspberry i used to love, I find that whenever I mix rhodonite now with the inw raspberry and I find shisha strawberry really chemically almost metallic tasting anythign over 2% now, maybe my tastebuds are temporarily screwed too :)

Or, maybe they're coming back to life -- @Robert Cromwell is a "super-taster" and he finds shisha strawberry very chemical-tasting. To me it tastes exactly as it's described at BCV -- "sweet strawberries dipped in sugar." I'm not gonna say that I'll "always" love shisha strawberry, because my tastes have changed far too much since this whole vaping adventure started to believe any such thing -- but for the last 2 yrs, and for the present, shisha strawberry is perfect for me.


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