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Strawberry Custard


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Easy one

INW Shisha Strawberry 2%
CAP Vanilla Custard v1 3%

Only steeped 24hrs
After vaping around 8ml I'm tasting a bit more Custard now

Using other Strawberry flavors may be covered up by the Custard more easily.
Adjust the Custard to you preference but it may also cover up the Strawberry if too much is used.
Haven't tried this with CAP VCv2, but if you prefer using that one, try using it at the same amount first.
Unknown if this would be better with longer steep time, just couldn't wait:D.
Other minor flavors could be added in also, as well as a dash of sweetener if desired.


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Thanks for sharing! I'll definitely will give it a try soon. However, usually when I'm mixing with INW Shisha Strawberry, I don't get the Strawberry flavor, unless I let it steep for over one week.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Easy one

INW Shisha Strawberry 2%
CAP Vanilla Custard v1 3%

Only steeped 24hrs
After vaping around 8ml I'm tasting a bit more Custard now

Using other Strawberry flavors may be covered up by the Custard more easily.
Adjust the Custard to you preference but it may also cover up the Strawberry if too much is used.
Haven't tried this with CAP VCv2, but if you prefer using that one, try using it at the same amount first.
Unknown if this would be better with longer steep time, just couldn't wait:D.
Other minor flavors could be added in also, as well as a dash of sweetener if desired.
Thanks for sharing I LOVE CUSTARD...... going to try and most hard part is to wait :popcorn:


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Just mixed up a v2 for kicks using 2% INW Custard instead of CAP:D.
Haven't tried the INW Custard in anything yet.


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Just mixed up a v2 for kicks using 2% INW Custard instead of CAP:D.
Haven't tried the INW Custard in anything yet.
Let us/me know about the outcome! I have the INW Custard in my stash as well. However, I haven't used it yet. I'm still working on perfecting my Creme Brûlée recipe, I've mentioned in the INW Custard thread.


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Let us/me know about the outcome! I have the INW Custard in my stash as well. However, I haven't used it yet. I'm still working on perfecting my Creme Brûlée recipe, I've mentioned in the INW Custard thread.

Turned out quite good after 3 days.
Not so much as a "Custard" type but good nonetheless.
Seems to compliment the Shisha SB well, and adds some mouthfeel and sweet creaminess.
May try 3% INW Custard next time.
INW Shisha Vanilla might be another good one to try, or even a combination of the two, or three, if CAP VC is included.

If you really like the Shisha Strawberry, it would be hard to not like these combos either.
Difficult to decide which version I liked better, but the original version is more "Custardy" IMO.


Member For 3 Years
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Member For 1 Year
Easy one

INW Shisha Strawberry 2%
CAP Vanilla Custard v1 3%

Only steeped 24hrs
After vaping around 8ml I'm tasting a bit more Custard now

Using other Strawberry flavors may be covered up by the Custard more easily.
Adjust the Custard to you preference but it may also cover up the Strawberry if too much is used.
Haven't tried this with CAP VCv2, but if you prefer using that one, try using it at the same amount first.
Unknown if this would be better with longer steep time, just couldn't wait:D.
Other minor flavors could be added in also, as well as a dash of sweetener if desired.
Very nice combo, I added a touch of sweet cream to the recipe and it turned out really great. Thanks for sharing! :D


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Member For 4 Years
I think i made this... should be ready to try as soon as I get a free topper..


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
yes I did make this... couple people tried it and is good as is ... unfortunately .. yet another strawberry I have difficulty tasting - seems like SB is gonna be the one that doesn't work for me, will let this steep another 3 weeks as that, so far, seems to be the only way I get any taste of that flavor. Was so looking forward to the INW Shisha being the one that worked... guess will have to keep looking tho - thanx for the share @Heabob


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Member For 3 Years
yes I did make this... couple people tried it and is good as is ... unfortunately .. yet another strawberry I have difficulty tasting - seems like SB is gonna be the one that doesn't work for me, will let this steep another 3 weeks as that, so far, seems to be the only way I get any taste of that flavor. Was so looking forward to the INW Shisha being the one that worked... guess will have to keep looking tho - thanx for the share @Heabob

Some like to mix in some other Strawberries with the Shisha SB.
You could try using 3-4% and if that doesn't work IDK.
@AndriaD is using a much higher amount of Shisha SB with some sweetener added to help.

Several others have mentioned having some trouble tasting Strawberry also.
Adding a small amount of FA, or INW Raspberry has helped a few.
Good examples of the varying taste buds we all have.

Some recommended this one Flavors
Haven't tried it yet myself tho.


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Some like to mix in some other Strawberries with the Shisha SB.
You could try using 3-4% and if that doesn't work IDK.
@AndriaD is using a much higher amount of Shisha SB with some sweetener added to help.

Several others have mentioned having some trouble tasting Strawberry also.
Adding a small amount of FA, or INW Raspberry has helped a few.
Good examples of the varying taste buds we all have.

Some recommended this one"Real Flavors"&sort=price_low&cat_id=0&facet=brand:Real Flavors
Haven't tried it yet myself tho.

Yeah totally agree -- try this link, Foggz: -- if you can't taste the shisha strawberry at 16% or 14.5%, then your tastebuds are just plain dead. :D This is why I think all these folks advising 2% or 4% of a flavor are WAYYYYYYYYY off base, for those just starting out -- after decades of smoking, you really can't taste much at all, and have to really BRING IT if you want to taste your vape. Mine actually is more strawberry custard than strawberry & cream, but I leave out the "custard" word because mine is diketone-free, and when people see "custard" they freak out and think "OMG, diketones!" :facepalm:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Love the new avitar...I agree completely:D

We had a friend in Michigan who PERFECTLY expressed my usual attitude to the holidays: "MERRY FUCKING HO HO!" But this year, after just losing my mom, BAH HUMBUG expresses my feelings better. I'm about SICK of all these damn commercials about family yadda yadda yadda... just last night, when one of them said something like "We're bringing the season back," I hollered 'BRING MY MOTHER BACK, YOU ASSHATS, AND THEN WE'LL TALK ABOUT IT!' :facepalm:



Gold Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
We had a friend in Michigan who PERFECTLY expressed my usual attitude to the holidays: "MERRY FUCKING HO HO!" But this year, after just losing my mom, BAH HUMBUG expresses my feelings better. I'm about SICK of all these damn commercials about family yadda yadda yadda... just last night, when one of them said something like "We're bringing the season back," I hollered 'BRING MY MOTHER BACK, YOU ASSHATS, AND THEN WE'LL TALK ABOUT IT!' :facepalm:


Sorry about you loosing your Mom.
And during the holidays it's 10 times worse.
Just another shitty part of getting old when family & friends pass on before us.
Nasty reminder of our own future...


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Member For 4 Years
Some like to mix in some other Strawberries with the Shisha SB.
You could try using 3-4% and if that doesn't work IDK.
@AndriaD is using a much higher amount of Shisha SB with some sweetener added to help.
Several others have mentioned having some trouble tasting Strawberry also.
Adding a small amount of FA, or INW Raspberry has helped a few.
Good examples of the varying taste buds we all have.
Some recommended this one Flavors
Haven't tried it yet myself tho.

Yeah totally agree -- try this link, Foggz: -- if you can't taste the shisha strawberry at 16% or 14.5%, then your tastebuds are just plain dead. :D This is why I think all these folks advising 2% or 4% of a flavor are WAYYYYYYYYY off base, for those just starting out -- after decades of smoking, you really can't taste much at all, and have to really BRING IT if you want to taste your vape. Mine actually is more strawberry custard than strawberry & cream, but I leave out the "custard" word because mine is diketone-free, and when people see "custard" they freak out and think "OMG, diketones!" :facepalm:

Thanks very much for the info, much appreciated. Took me a bit to reply due to the 'hectic' of late, but did want to say thanks.

Yeah the SB issue has always been with me i gues and didn't realize it till I started vaping and DIY. Never buy anything SB flavored as they all taste artificial to me.. same with SB vapes.. Still working on it tho and will try both these lines of thought. @AndriaD - will def try boosting up the %'s even tho 'regular' %'s for most other flavors work ok for me. Appreciate the link to the recipes!


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Thanks very much for the info, much appreciated. Took me a bit to reply due to the 'hectic' of late, but did want to say thanks.

Yeah the SB issue has always been with me i gues and didn't realize it till I started vaping and DIY. Never buy anything SB flavored as they all taste artificial to me.. same with SB vapes.. Still working on it tho and will try both these lines of thought. @AndriaD - will def try boosting up the %'s even tho 'regular' %'s for most other flavors work ok for me. Appreciate the link to the recipes!

I had that problem with chocolate flavors; had to keep trying different ones, and finally I found I could taste Molinberry's Glamour Chocolate. Fortunately I'm not a major chocoholic, :D but there are a few recipes that benefit from a mild or moderate chocolate addition.


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