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Strawberry Honey Milk Gelato


Bronze Contributor
Member For 2 Years
4.0% Strawberry (Ripe) (TPA)
2.0% Strawberry (TPA)
3.0% Sweet Cream (CAP)
6.0% Vienna Cream (FA)
3.0% DX Sweet Cream (TPA)
2.0% Ethyl Maltol (Sweetener Additive) (TPA)
0.1% Honey (FA)


A redux of a refreshing ADV classic. Sweet strawberries and a touch of honey, swimming in full cream milk with subtle vanilla and cinnamon notes. And yes, its diketone-free!

There are essentially three segments: Strawberries, Creams, Sweeteners. The 2:1 ratio of ripe strawberries is critical; ripening and steeping are correlated. The creams should have presence but not steal the show; spice notes should be ephemeral and inherent sweetness accounted for. The sweeteners were combined to replicate the taste of Japanese strawberries, which, unlike North American strawberries, taste like they were infused with fructose.
  • Strawberry (Ripe) (TPA) - the star of the show; intensifies with steeping.
  • Strawberry (TPA) - the constant, from beginning to end (of steep)
  • Sweet Cream (CAP) - a key 'shake and vape' component
  • Vienna Cream (FA) - Euro-style dairy component with faint vanilla and cinnamon notes.
  • DX Sweet Cream (TPA) - heavy-duty cream that fades with steep.
  • Ethyl Maltol (Sweetener Additive) (TPA) - constant mellow (abstract) sweetness
  • Honey (FA) - distinctive sweetness with light floral notes.
Vape-able after 1-hr bath + 1-hr shake. Best after 48 hours. Ideal after three weeks. Interestingly, the strawberry duet intensifies at the same pace with the steeping creams. A great vape at all phases of the steeping process.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Strawberry Honey Milk Gelato v2

4.0% Strawberry (Ripe) (TPA)
3.0% Strawberry (TPA)
2.0% Harvest Berry (CAP)
0.3% Dragonfruit (TPA)
3.0% Sweet Cream (CAP)
1.0% Vienna Cream (FA)
1.0% DX Sweet Cream (TPA)
1.0% Meringue (FA)
0.03% Honey (FA)*

*FA Honey is potent and overwhelming; make a 10% PG solution for accuracy.

Changes: Used 3:2 ratio for ripe strawberries and added CAP Harvest Berry (with a drop of Dragonfruit) for a nebulous, bright and fruity base layer. Reduced vanilla content in creams (which mutes strawberry) and added FA Meringue for more 'gelato'. Removed EM (which mutes strawberry) and adjusted FA Honey to still replicate the taste of Japanese strawberries, which taste like they were infused with fructose.

Vape-able after 1-hr bath + 1-hr shake. Good after 24 hours. Ideal after a week (or more). Comments and feedback welcome. Honey Milk Gelato v2
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