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Strictly vaping for 1m. Tiny Itchy bumps on hands, is it an allergy to vape juice??

Hey guys, I did already respond to someone elses post on their PG allergy but I wanted to make my own thread to. So started vaping two months ago but no ciggs for a month. When i started I went to a place that sold only Max VG but as of past month i've started trying other stores which i belive the juice I got was a 30/70. Maybe a month ago or longer?? I got a few tiny white itchy bumps on the top of my hand. As time goes by I keep getting more bumps that itch but they don't only itch only at times. Has anyone heard of this specific symptom being an allergy to the juice, whether its the PG VG or a certain flavor they add to it. Today Im going to empty my tank and put my max VG in it to see if that makes a difference. I haven't used any new lotions/soaps/detergents. Also doesnt warrant a doctors visit since my copay is expensive unless it gets way worse. I think some bumps go away but some have never gone away and new ones appear and as of last night I noticed some on my upper arm. Some people have said eczema or gluten....but why now, im 32....I am aware you can develop an allergry or adverse reaction to anything at anytime. Any input would be appreciated.


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I would say PG. You see I have eczema and PG doesn't bother me. I generally vape higher VG anyway. Anywhere from 60 and higher. I don't think its eczema, don't know anything about gluten, but have heard many stories about pg causing the itchy bumps. I hope you get it resolved . :)

Canadian Vaper

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Late response, but only on your hands? Could be a nickel allergy... Ever get a rash from cheap jewelry as a kid?

What mod/tank do you have?


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ECF Refugee
Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after being coming in contact with the juice, that's
all I got.

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