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Study: As popularity of e-cigarettes rises, more smokers are able to quit


Under Ground Hustler
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"Health experts in England have been contemplating the smoking-cessation benefits of e-cigarettes for several years. A previous study of English smokers found that would-be quitters who vaped were about 60 percent more likely to succeed compared with smokers who tried to go cold turkey or used nicotine replacement products, like patches or gum."

What pisses me off more than anything is some Stanton Glantz fuckwad can put out a bullshit cherry picked study where the "Conclusion" section along with the press release doesn't even match the rest of the "study" and stupid fucking American reporters and sleezy ass mainstream media eats that shit up.

This study should shut down the "religion of glantz" entirely but I'd bet that you won't see a headline like the one above in the fucking New York Post or on NBC, CBS, ABC TV. - 5150

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