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Suggestions for my first RDA


Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Hello everyone, after using cartimizers for three years, Kanger Tech protanks for a year, and now a Kanger Tech subohm plus for a year I am ready to make the leap, or at least experiment with an RDA. Could anyone suggest an inexpensive RDA that would be an easy build to start off with. I typically run 20-35 watts now with my subtank and my Kbox and I have a Puxiusi Eager 120W VV / VW TC coming so I will have some power and a crown tank. I am a big guy with large fingers and some of these mini RDA's are just so small for my hands. I intend to start with kanthal wire at first and may order some pre-made coils at first to get my feet wet. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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I would recommend a velocity rda or a velocity clone depending on your budget. I suggest the velocity because of its 2 post configuration that makes it just about the easiest rda to build on making it perfect for beginning re-builders i would recommend checking them out for sure the way they work is essentially you have one positive post and one negative post with two holes stacked vertically milled into each so you just feed your leads into the bottom two holes (one on each post) on one side and pull your coil up slightly to center it and then with your other coil you feed the leads the same way on the other side just into the top two post holes and push your coils down slightly to center those its very simple. i hope this was helpful check them out


Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
I would recommend a velocity rda or a velocity clone depending on your budget. I suggest the velocity because of its 2 post configuration that makes it just about the easiest rda to build on making it perfect for beginning re-builders i would recommend checking them out for sure the way they work is essentially you have one positive post and one negative post with two holes stacked vertically milled into each so you just feed your leads into the bottom two holes (one on each post) on one side and pull your coil up slightly to center it and then with your other coil you feed the leads the same way on the other side just into the top two post holes and push your coils down slightly to center those its very simple. i hope this was helpful check them out
Thanks, I will look into them. I am excited to give it a try, I love my subohm tanks but would like to see if I can get the flavor to have a little more kick to it. Since subohming I have lost interest in my mini protanks but I use my full size Protank 3 sometimes, it actually works well with my Kbox. Thanks for the suggestion!

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For a beginner RDA i would suggest the jaybo indestructible. Similar to one most of the vets have used -the tobh atty and its got tons of accessories available
Vapordna carries it for around 50 bucks.
You can easily find wide bore driptops, a cloudchaser kit to give it a larger airflow or another kit that converts it to a top airflow atty.
Its easy to build on and quite affordable for everything that it offers.


Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
For a beginner RDA i would suggest the jaybo indestructible. Similar to one most of the vets have used -the tobh atty and its got tons of accessories available
Vapordna carries it for around 50 bucks.
You can easily find wide bore driptops, a cloudchaser kit to give it a larger airflow or another kit that converts it to a top airflow atty.
Its easy to build on and quite affordable for everything that it offers.
Thank you, I will check it out as well. I am more of a tank user but it would be nice to have something more to play with at home, sometimes the tanks do not leave me fulfilled as far as taste goes.

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