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Supernatural: "Angel Heart" Review


Staff member
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Vape Media
Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

Claire Novak hasn't had an easy life. When we first encountered the daughter of Castiel's vessel, she wasn't in a great situation and things haven't improved for her in subsequent appearances. Tonight's episode gave us some resolution regarding her and her family, and I'm glad it took a few episodes to get to this point. It would have been easy to introduce Claire, search for Amelia, and lose Amelia all in a single shot. But since Claire has popped up a few times, she's become a character we actually care about -- and not only because we care about Castiel.

She's walked a tortured path, and Kathryn Newton has added nuance to it. She transitions between Claire's angsty teenage emotions with ease, and we get constant reminders that even if Claire thinks she's only putting on a show of having a tough exterior, she actually has a tough exterior and doesn't realize it. There's a lot of room to play, and Newton definitely flexes her muscles. She's especially great against Jensen Ackles.

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