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Swedish court overturns ban on e-cigarettes


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
you lost me at Sweden...any group of inbreds who pack their country full of rapeugees and punish their own women for getting raped deserve the contempt of civilized people.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
you lost me at Sweden...any group of inbreds who pack their country full of rapeugees and punish their own women for getting raped deserve the contempt of civilized people.

I thought that happened in Germany ... did it also occur in Sweden?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I thought that happened in Germany ... did it also occur in Sweden?
Sweden, Germany,France, Britian.....Facebook has colluded with Angela Merkel to keep all of it off facebook...the police in these countries have been told by the rulling elite to lie and surpress what is going on.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sweden, Germany,France, Britian.....Facebook has colluded with Angela Merkel to keep all of it off facebook...the police in these countries have been told by the rulling elite to lie and surpress what is going on.

I didn't realize it was that widespread ... unreal. I wondered why I hadn't heard more about it. Do you think Merkel was suppressing it in hopes of saving face since she was so adamant about bringing them in?

I read where they suggested a 'culture awareness' program to address the problem ... really, this type of behavior is simply cultural differences? Any religion that would see that kind of barbarism as acceptable is NOT a religion at all imo, it's merely a means to control the populace.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Jesus...there were waves of molestations in cologne france not long ago...there was the scandal where 1500 underage Englih girls in foster care were raped by a group of pakistanian rapeugees that went on for years, and was even known about by english authorities but they hushed it up....finally it came out...this stuff is all over the internet, but the global elite are trying to cover it up...Merkel is covering it up because she is a tool of the global elite,people that want a global economy,but realize in order to do it they need a global goverment and are trying the best they can to destroy the republics and the national soverignty of the people.Merkel belongs in a prison cell, she was a memeber of the east germany goverment and she has a woman who was a member of the Statsi in charge of all this rapeugee stuff the Stasi was the east german secret police, like the KGB...

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