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Tangy lemon curd with lots of zest

Hi guys,
I'm looking to create a very zesty lemon curd, the one you have on a Lemon Tarte Crust and that gives you that tangy feel at the back of your tongue. Coming from my favorite real-life Lemon Tarte recipe, I heat up sugar, eggs, lemon juice, lots of zest and thicken it with melted butter. It's delicious, sweet & oh so tangy. So reading & collecting lots of notes online, I came up with the following ideas, on how to create that:

For the lemon aspects I was thinking some of the following:
  • FA Lemon Sicily
  • FA Citrus Mix
  • FA Custard
  • CAP Lemon Lime
  • INW Lime
  • FLV Pink Guava
  • TFA Sour
For the eggy part:
  • FA Vienna Cream
  • any cheese cake (not sure)
For the sugars:
  • TFA Brown Sugar
  • FA Meringue
  • FA Marshmallow
  • Sweetener
  • CAP Golden Butter
  • CAP Butter Cream
I think I will be able to create something lemony with all those flavors, but I didn't come across anything tasting really tangy. Might adding TFA Sour help? Anyone made any experience creating something tangy? I'm not sure if this a the right way on how to attempt my 1st recipe, but it's a good way for me to start.

Thanks in advance and I hope this is in the right place



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Anything other than "Citrus" is probably going to dull the "Zest" part.

FE Lemon (from ECX) has better staying power than FA, and it's a bit brighter taste IMO.
INW Lemon Cake at 3% stand alone is also a good one if you're in to lemon stuff.


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Member For 5 Years
I'm not sure if this a the right way on how to attempt my 1st recipe, but it's a good way for me to start.

A Very Ambitious way to start DIY! :)

Just as all real oranges do not taste the same, neither do lemons. Heck, even in Italy there is a difference between the Sfusato Amalfitano and Sicilian varieties. Available lemon flavor concentrates are the same. Some flavor concentrates do not work so well in a single flavor mix. Most lemon ones do. It may be worthwhile for you to determine which particular lemon concentrate you like by first trying a few as a single flavor. I enjoy both INW Lemon and FA Sicilian that way. Very Refreshing!

For no other reason than to add a drop or two to beverages which call for "a twist of lemon"; I too would like to have a lemon zest concentrate. I don't know of any. My aforementioned ones add more a lemon juice aspect.

I've heard that the Italian Lemon Sicily from CAP might have the most lemon zest notes of current concentrates available.

I've not tried it, but it might be worth consideration for your purposes.

"I'm always frank and earnest with women. Uh, in New York I'm Frank, and Chicago I'm Ernest."-Mitch Henessey (The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996))
Thank you @Heabob & @RonJS :)

About the staying power, I was thinking of maybe adding the star of lemons a bit later, after a couple of days of steeping and then adjust, to when needed. But I see where I can find FE Lemon from ECX, thanks again.
@ Ron: It's ambitious, yes, but also the only way on how to structure my thoughts atm since I had kind of a geeky outbreak and confused myself with too much information. I guess there is no way around testing each single lemon flavor and then combine them and take it from there. I came across a flavor called Aurora from FlavourArt thats supposed to add a zesty lemon taste, have you heard about that?

Thanks again


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I came across a flavor called Aurora from FlavourArt thats supposed to add a zesty lemon taste, have you heard about that?

Yup, try just 0.5% FA Aurora with whatever citrus flavors you're using to give the impression of citrus zest. (Much more than that, or lacking other citrus flavors, it tastes to me like grapefruit peel.) That'd be a good one to have if you want a lemon curd flavor.


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Member For 5 Years
Thank you @Heabob & @RonJS :)

I came across a flavor called Aurora from FlavourArt thats supposed to add a zesty lemon taste, have you heard about that?

I've heard of it but have tried it yet. While there are many positive comments, after seeing reviews mentioning "Lemon Pledge" and "eucalyptus" flavor, I'm not sure I will. :)

Of course, if you mix some up, many here will be pleased to learn your evaluation.

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