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Tastes dry?


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Subox mini rba on x cube 2. 24g 5 wraps. It says 0.34ohms. Why in the world does it taste off? Not sure if it's a dry or burnt taste but it is NOT actually burnt. I can't go higher than 36W :( pre made coils were fine and could go higher W. It clearly must be me. Glows from inside out.


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Try less wick, looks like quite a bit so maybe not enough juice getting in.


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Try less wick, looks like quite a bit so maybe not enough juice getting in.
I shortened the wick some. I ended up going to the shop here and they said it is all right. We troubleshooted and determined that I have vapors tongue :( so I ate two lemon slices. Lol


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I shortened the wick some. I ended up going to the shop here and they said it is all right. We troubleshooted and determined that I have vapors tongue :( so I ate two lemon slices. Lol
Vapors tongue shouldn't result in a burnt taste simply muted or no taste. A burnt taste means there's something wrong with the overall build. You want to minimize your wick, just enough to prevent leaking, enough cotton to pull through with a slight resistance, not tweaking the coil or stretching the wicking material, then fluff it up so it prevents leaking through the juice holes. Either way if you solved it, awesome. Just throwing this out there.


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Vapors tongue shouldn't result in a burnt taste simply muted or no taste. A burnt taste means there's something wrong with the overall build. You want to minimize your wick, just enough to prevent leaking, enough cotton to pull through with a slight resistance, not tweaking the coil or stretching the wicking material, then fluff it up so it prevents leaking through the juice holes. Either way if you solved it, awesome. Just throwing this out there.
I hear you! I have beven having issues for the past few weeks really. I kept building coils and it tasted the EXACT same...and I'm not even sure if it's a "dry" taste or even burnt. It tastes off. Like the coil is dirty or something haha. I kept building them, tasting like poop, changing them and went through quite a few! Every time I would get my husband to try it and he said he couldn't taste what I taste and I just didn't understand it! I watched so many videos on building and I swore I was doing it right because it did it right the first few times...I let the guy at the shop taste it and he said it's fine! So then he proceeded to give me 7 DIFFERENT flavors to try and EVERY SINGLE ONE tasted like either nothing or cardboard....he gave me peppermint (I liked it before) and I couldn't TASTE it but I knew it felt cold. So, I think I have vapors tongue. Came home and literally ATE two slices of lemon and I couldn't even taste it! It burnt my lips because they are chapped though haha so I'm feeling pretty confident on my actual build's just me that is the problem. But now I know a proper way to wick. I kind of stretched the cotton some and I put a of in because I was afraid if the coil was submerged it wouldn't work right.


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Cool, yeah sounds like Vapors tongue. Few tips there, if you can handle Spicy stuff, it helps. Mouth wash, Lemon works, basically try to shock your taste buds. Lots of water helps too (and remember for health reasons, half your weight then drink that many ounces is the suggested amount of water, keep hydrated!). It's a major thorn in the side for vapers.

Anyways, yeah it's always a fickle bitch to nail down wicking on RBA's especially. Too much wick and you'll choke the flow and not get enough. Too little and leaking happens. The key is to have enough and fluff, yay rhymes. Cotton does an amazing job of pulling juice to it, you'd be surprised how little is actually necessary if you fluff it and set it properly. I just wicked my new Griffin, I had less than a centimeter of cotton coming out of the coils, fluffed it and tucked it down into the juice wells, and while I got an initial bit of leaking when I filled once I pressurized the tank (tanks work on a "vacuum" system) the leaking stops, refilling I just make sure to fill quick, then start vaping to counteract the lack of pressure and boom after a few pulls it's golden.

With proper wicking you can turn the wattage up a bit, meaning more vapor, more flavor.

One last suggestion/recommendation, try twisted builds. Strait wire heats up much faster than twisted, and it doesn't stop heating up. Meaning a long pull can lead to scorched cotton. Twisted heats up slower and takes MUCH longer to get to the overheating stage, also providing more surface area and better flavor through more vapor. Just something simple that I loved for a long time (I've moved on to a bit more advanced builds). It's really easy, you just thread some wire through something you can twist, clamp the ends down in some sort of pliers and twist the thing you threaded it through (something like a coffee mug or my favorite an actual paper clip, not the trombone things but the actual clip).

Anyways hope that Vapers Tongue goes away soon and you keep building, saves money and with proper work it's far better than premades which IMO suck because of inconsistency of mass production (god I hated getting a dud coil SO much).


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Cool, yeah sounds like Vapors tongue. Few tips there, if you can handle Spicy stuff, it helps. Mouth wash, Lemon works, basically try to shock your taste buds. Lots of water helps too (and remember for health reasons, half your weight then drink that many ounces is the suggested amount of water, keep hydrated!). It's a major thorn in the side for vapers.

Anyways, yeah it's always a fickle bitch to nail down wicking on RBA's especially. Too much wick and you'll choke the flow and not get enough. Too little and leaking happens. The key is to have enough and fluff, yay rhymes. Cotton does an amazing job of pulling juice to it, you'd be surprised how little is actually necessary if you fluff it and set it properly. I just wicked my new Griffin, I had less than a centimeter of cotton coming out of the coils, fluffed it and tucked it down into the juice wells, and while I got an initial bit of leaking when I filled once I pressurized the tank (tanks work on a "vacuum" system) the leaking stops, refilling I just make sure to fill quick, then start vaping to counteract the lack of pressure and boom after a few pulls it's golden.

With proper wicking you can turn the wattage up a bit, meaning more vapor, more flavor.

One last suggestion/recommendation, try twisted builds. Strait wire heats up much faster than twisted, and it doesn't stop heating up. Meaning a long pull can lead to scorched cotton. Twisted heats up slower and takes MUCH longer to get to the overheating stage, also providing more surface area and better flavor through more vapor. Just something simple that I loved for a long time (I've moved on to a bit more advanced builds). It's really easy, you just thread some wire through something you can twist, clamp the ends down in some sort of pliers and twist the thing you threaded it through (something like a coffee mug or my favorite an actual paper clip, not the trombone things but the actual clip).

Anyways hope that Vapers Tongue goes away soon and you keep building, saves money and with proper work it's far better than premades which IMO suck because of inconsistency of mass production (god I hated getting a dud coil SO much).
I've gotten a few dud coils...luckily my shop would just replace them for free. I haven't tried twisted coils yet! Trying to do a bit more research before attempting. My husband has the smok tank that you just flip the top and squeeze the juice through the gasket. His came with a trip and quad pre made coil and an RBA. he wants me to build him a nice coil for that so I've been watching all sorts of videos for it. The most advanced ones I built were two micro coils 26g for the subox tank for 0.1ohm lol clearly I don't know all of the terms yet. We only started vaping late December so I've got a lot more research to do! Thanks for the tips. I drink about 20oz TOTAL a day so I KNOW I'm dehydrated. I'm sipping on lemon water now. I'll make a pitcher hoping I'll drink it more often.


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Yay hydration... I'm a heavy drinker and I haven't had a hangover in more than a year because hydration is my favorite thing, it's saved me so many times :D (Hangovers are a direct result of the diuretic nature of alcohol consumption, the feeling of a hangover is simply the feeling of severe dehydration, yay hopefully useless knowledge, but great if you drink too much like me!).

The TFV4 is AWESOME. I loved that thing. The Single RBA that comes with it has very small post holes though. Personally I drill them out to allow bigger builds. My favorite I put in there was Twisted 24g SS Helixed with a 32g kanthal... that's getting a bit advanced though. IIRC you can take a twisted 26g and fit it in there. Vertical IMO is best, then you just take a strip of Koh Gen Do and start in one juice well and wrap it twice around the coil, fold down that other leg of the coil, and put the end of the cotton in the other juice well. Just so nice. If you don't want to go Vertical, the Dual RBA is splendid as well, better than all the premade coils IMO (denser vapor if you build right).

Anyways GL, and keep building, fun little hobby huh?

If you want to go crazy on the TFV4 I suggest looking at this: Push 150w plus and outshine every premade coil in every way possible.

Not trying to push you to get ahead of yourself just a deep love for the TFV4 and want to show you some cool stuff.

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