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Temperature Control Help! Nichrome melting

Sean Di Rienzo

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Hello. I've been vaping on Kanthal for years. For the holidays I was given a Sigelei 66 with TC. It suports Ni200, SS and TI. I was also given several spools of 28g nichrome wire for the temperature control.

I immediately wrapped a coil and stuck it into my RDTA. The instructions said to set the resistance so I did (holding down and power). It read out at .8 which I thought to be a bit high and then I fired it. The wire pretty much melts immediately. Even with a wick and juice on it the coil deforms quickly and produces disgusting vapor at 400f.

Am I using the incorrect type of wire? This is the wire in question

For now I'm stuck to using PWR mode on my new boxmod. Have I made a mistake? Should I just order some SS temperature control wire.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Can you give a picture of the LCD screen on your mod showing the ohm reading and mod settings.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk


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Nichrome does not work with TC.

SS, Titanium, NI, NiFi can be used for TC.


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I made a huge mistake then. Damn me >< Just ordered some SS
Just my preference -- SS is a good choice for TC mode and some people say they can taste the difference in SS vs Kanthal. My taste buds aren't that fine, so I've not had that experience.


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Stainless all the way. That nichrome tastes funny to me anyway.

Sean Di Rienzo

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my ss should be here in two weeks. no local vape shops unfortunately. I feel like an idiot buying 40m worth of nichrome and not being able to use it.


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You sure you don't have Nickel wire?

I've never heard of Nichrome melting in the two+ years I have read forums.


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You certainly have something screwed up if the wire is melting with a wick and juice.


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Yeah are you sure that's nichrome and nor Ni nickel?

And nichrome does work for TC in SOME devices with adjustable TFR and TCR regulation.. but it is much more suited to VW VV or unregulated vaping.

IMO nichrome on silica gives best flavor... when used correctly. Only thing that might be better is SS wire on SS mesh wick in TC mode.

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I agree that SS is the best way to go since it can be used in either power or TC mode. If you do truly have Nichrome wire, it can be used in TC with a mod such as the Hohm Wrecker G2, but most mods won't support it in TC.


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Hello. I've been vaping on Kanthal for years. For the holidays I was given a Sigelei 66 with TC. It suports Ni200, SS and TI. I was also given several spools of 28g nichrome wire for the temperature control.

I immediately wrapped a coil and stuck it into my RDTA. The instructions said to set the resistance so I did (holding down and power). It read out at .8 which I thought to be a bit high and then I fired it. The wire pretty much melts immediately. Even with a wick and juice on it the coil deforms quickly and produces disgusting vapor at 400f.

Am I using the incorrect type of wire? This is the wire in question

For now I'm stuck to using PWR mode on my new boxmod. Have I made a mistake? Should I just order some SS temperature control wire.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ni200 is NICKEL not NiChrome. There is your problem.


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my ss should be here in two weeks. no local vape shops unfortunately. I feel like an idiot buying 40m worth of nichrome and not being able to use it.
Not sure it will work for TC mode, I never use it, but NiChrome is awesome for using as your core wire and then wrapping with SS. It has a higher resistance so heats fast, which in turn heats the SS wrap fast. With a proper build, you can almost totally eliminate ramp up time.

The Cromwell

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my ss should be here in two weeks. no local vape shops unfortunately. I feel like an idiot buying 40m worth of nichrome and not being able to use it.
You can use Nichrome wire. I assume it is NI80?
Works fine in Wattage mode, just not TC.
although I have a couple of Mods with NICR TC settings.....


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Stainless all the way. That nichrome tastes funny to me anyway.
Everyone has different vape likes. You like SS and I like NiCr + SS. Its all about trying them out I guess. Mind you, I like SS too, just never tried to clapton it. I did a 3 strand parallel on my mini rba that works great, made with 32ga SS.


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Exactly, it's all personal choice. SS all I use to make coils because it's what I prefer taste wise. It also makes really pretty colors.


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Hello. I've been vaping on Kanthal for years. For the holidays I was given a Sigelei 66 with TC. It suports Ni200, SS and TI. I was also given several spools of 28g nichrome wire for the temperature control.

I immediately wrapped a coil and stuck it into my RDTA. The instructions said to set the resistance so I did (holding down and power). It read out at .8 which I thought to be a bit high and then I fired it. The wire pretty much melts immediately. Even with a wick and juice on it the coil deforms quickly and produces disgusting vapor at 400f.

Am I using the incorrect type of wire? This is the wire in question

For now I'm stuck to using PWR mode on my new boxmod. Have I made a mistake? Should I just order some SS temperature control wire.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
wire with wick/juice Should not melt.
In TC, a wire mismatch will just kick you out of TC.
Something else is happening, a short perhaps?

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