Not too long ago I decided to start building coils.
I've been paying close attention and been doing my research.
Not doing anything complicated yet.
Verified all connections are solid and nothing not where it shouldn't be.
(coil not touching sidewall or anything)
Everything has been going ok and I had no complaints.
But my OCD has drove me to constant testing of everything.
For many things in life I live by "Trust but Verify"
Just because a coil is marked at a certain resistance doesn't mean it is that resistance.
Not only is there a tolerance by manufacture, there is also plenty of room for human error.
(QC in many places spend more time on break vaping then they do working, haha)
During all this I had been noticing a variation in the resistances that I expected to see.
So I grabbed the CM 521 off the corner of the desk and started triple checking everything that had already been checked.
One particular build was just fighting me the entire way.
So I suspected that there was something not right and decided to rebuild that one later and didn't include it in this data collect.
I randomly grabbed some tanks, coils, and mods off the shelf and started testing.
As I am entering the data in the logs I realized I had a much bigger problem at hand than I originally suspected.
My question (after all that shit above) is simple.
What product am I expected to believe/trust?
The mod?
That is proving to be very inaccurate.
The CM 521 tab?
So far I haven't attempted to calibrate it so I don't know if that is right either.
Tomorrow my plan is to go out in the garage and grab my good multimeter and recheck the checks of my checks.
When I can get a different reading from almost every device for the same tank/coil, I find that to be an actual problem.
This was simply testing the resistance of pre-built coils.