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Tfv4 rdta


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This looks very similar to the Supreme and Boreas except that it's much cheaper. Anybody else interested.

Mikhail Naumov

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No I am not interested personally, as I brought this topic up a little while back in the Boreas thread and their design appears to be the exact same as it was a month ago when they announced it. Here's why I think this RDTA will flop like a dying fish on land:

1. The deck is 16mm, the Supreme deck is 16.3mm and the Boreas deck is right around 17mm. So, less build space.

2. It holds less juice than both the Supreme and Boreas. 5mls compared to the 7ml Supreme and 8ml Boreas.

4. The airflow design on it is the typical four slot airflow, meaning while two slots will hit your coils, two slots will be hitting the posts and killing flavor. I doubt it'll have more total airflow than either the Supreme or Boreas either, and there's no way to close off the side slots so you're stuck with airflow that isn't even touching your coil.

5. It's Smok, everything Smok ever designs or releases is cheaply made crap.

6. There's not one thing it can do the Supreme/Boreas can't do better.

7. It's ugly as sin.

8. The wicking method looks less efficient than the one of the Boreas/Supreme. The wicking holes are way too big, I've gotten nearly 100% VG juice to wick just fine at high wattage chain vaping in both the Supreme and Boreas so these larger holes will just make it leak prone. There's no juice well, either. So you're without a lip, and this is just going to making the wicking more difficult, less efficient and more prone to leaking.

I can't get behind this, JUST like the TF G2/G4 RTA, this is a ME TOO GUYS product that will almost certainly be cheaply designed and will do nothing better than the Boreas or Supreme. I'd avoid this if I were you. Smaller deck, stupid airflow design, less juice capacity, Smok's cheap reputation and just the weird looks of it make it a definite flop.

It's a 22mm RDTA in a 24.5mm pacakage, also making it pointlessly larger than it needs to be. When you have a 24.5mm device, you expect 24.5mm options. But instead, you're stuck with 22mm juice capacity and a 22mm build deck size.

I don't see the point, this thing is a desperate cash grab from Smok because the TF-RTA they released was as me too as me too gets, then the Boreas and Supreme put standard RTA designs to shame with the superior vape they give. So Smok put their small brains together and blatantly copied everything they could off the Supreme and Boreas, only they didn't do a very good job of it.

Just buy a Boreas or Supreme. I'm not even solely speaking out of opinion here, the build deck is smaller, the juice capacity is less, two airflow slots won't even be hitting your coil, the build deck and capacity is 22mm quality yet it's a 24.5mm device. Plus Smok really is known for being cheap. Save your money, get a Boreas or Supreme. Stay away from this, it's not worth $5 in my opinion.

I am a bit biased on the topic because I absolutely hate SmokTech as a company. The only thing they ever released that was worth a damn was the TFV4. The X Cube II had a firing bar that stuck on over half the mods and some had misaligned screens plus software issues on the board, the M80 has caught on fire on people, the R80 and R200 have bricked themselves completely on people due to their extremely cheap design, etc.

Though a lot of the points I made aren't opinion based. It has a smaller deck than the Boreas and Supreme, it has less juice capacity, it looks like it has less overall airflow and the airflow design itself will be inefficient because when air doesn't touch your coils it's doing nothing but killing your flavor. Plus that swivel top cap seems convenient at first, then it flies open in your pocket and leaks an entire tank of juice in your pants. Smok is one of the cheapest brands out in the vaping market, I've seen $5 clones have better construction than Smok products.
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I'd have to agree looking at it it looks to be a complete ripoff of the Supreme and Boreas. I haven't owned any smok products except the tfv4 which I would say was OK but it destroyed the coils quickly and wasn't efficient. I have to agree get a Boreas it's got a great price and great vape...


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Imo the Boreas is worth twice as much.

I dumped more juice into my back pocket from the tfv4 swinging top cap than I care to admit. Walking around with a soaked left ass cheek all day is no fun. Tried keeping the vape band around the top, kept popping off and hitting the floor until I finally lost it. Also, I wasn't interested in the premade coils but had both single and dual rta decks both of which sucked compared with most of the other modern tanks I own.

Nope to the smok imo.


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Is this something different from the TF RTA? I just tried googling it, and all I'm getting is the TFV4 that's been out for months, and the Aromamizer.


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Btw Boreas is almost twice as much. Tfv4 rdta can be had for about 21

I think Eciggity's 30% off sale is still in progress, which would put a Boreas at about $28. Code SPRING30.


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ripping each other off is standard business in vaping from my experience..
example the aromamizer supreme is a direct ripoff of the UD belius in terms of engineering (raised edges and notches to align coils to airflow)
given there are only so many ways one can clamp down coiled wire and provide a means to allow a liquid to be wicked into it the tendency to (borrow) others ideas just happens on an epic scale..
now as for the boreas, for me personally, having my juice flow directly tied into my air flow is a piss poor idea.. if I want less airflow I should not have to use thinner juice or visa versa..

the smok tf line fills a nich, just as many others do.. do not forget that the original armoamizer used the same air flow as the tf rdta with one strong exception, that being adjustment was achieved via a vape band with holes in it!!

my personal favorites in fill methods are the lemo v2, the obs crius, and the tf top.. for me having to remove something entirely means I need to have a place to put it down, in most cases i need a piece of towel to place it on given it is probably wet.. it can be tricky if I need to refill while stopped at a red light with a removable method
if I can get a Smok TF-RDTA for $20-25 vs an Armoamizer Supreme for $50-60 I will take the smok every time, the boreas does not enter into the equation given the design (in my opinion) flaw

*2cents deposited*


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Keep in mind though that the Boreas has two different decks with varying juice hole sizes, as well as the jfc insert which can be installed in two different ways. Also, if you open all of the Boreas' air holes, then turn it back a bit, it closes off all 4 holes equally. You can tailor the amount of airflow while keeping the jfc basically wide open should you desire.

Different strokes for different folks though.

Mikhail Naumov

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ripping each other off is standard business in vaping from my experience..
example the aromamizer supreme is a direct ripoff of the UD belius in terms of engineering (raised edges and notches to align coils to airflow)
given there are only so many ways one can clamp down coiled wire and provide a means to allow a liquid to be wicked into it the tendency to (borrow) others ideas just happens on an epic scale..
now as for the boreas, for me personally, having my juice flow directly tied into my air flow is a piss poor idea.. if I want less airflow I should not have to use thinner juice or visa versa..

the smok tf line fills a nich, just as many others do.. do not forget that the original armoamizer used the same air flow as the tf rdta with one strong exception, that being adjustment was achieved via a vape band with holes in it!!

my personal favorites in fill methods are the lemo v2, the obs crius, and the tf top.. for me having to remove something entirely means I need to have a place to put it down, in most cases i need a piece of towel to place it on given it is probably wet.. it can be tricky if I need to refill while stopped at a red light with a removable method
if I can get a Smok TF-RDTA for $20-25 vs an Armoamizer Supreme for $50-60 I will take the smok every time, the boreas does not enter into the equation given the design (in my opinion) flaw

*2cents deposited*

Kind of hard for the Supreme to rip off the Bellus when the Aromamizer V1 predates the Bellus by at least a month. The Supreme just added topfill, AFC/JFC and a bigger deck. If anything the Bellus ripped off the V1.

Btw Boreas is almost twice as much. Tfv4 rdta can be had for about 21

SmokTech proves the old saying, you get what you pay for. Cheap products don't always make good products.


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The Supreme just added topfill, AFC/JFC and a bigger deck..

in other words a complete redesign with features that mimic the belius

Aromamizer V1 predates the Bellus by at least a month

yes and the only thing common between them was side airflow (RDA style)..
the belius came with a single coil adapter included, top fill, an actual afc ring, aligned coil/airflow, and a flat top allowing for choice in drip tip ..
the armomamizer v1 came with a 3 post deck.. if you wanted the velocity style deck(interesting name pause to contemplate why it is called that) you had to pay extra (I know I own it) other features of the v1 include a choked down top limiting drip tip options, tiny holes in the base for refilling making it very difficult to fill with anything other then a syringe, a vape band with holes in it pretending to be afc, oh and yes exposing your build every time you had to refill.

SmokTech proves the old saying, you get what you pay for. Cheap products don't always make good products.

this is true but higher price is not always indicative of better anything, quite often you are paying for the name.
For some of us saving $30-50 is important, it is not like anyone is twisting arms to force compliance, it serves no purpose to go on a diatribe bashing something because you don't care for it; everything can be seen from multiple perspectives. The highest priced precision machined products can fall far short in the end (Kayfun v4 trying to do TC for example)

Mikhail Naumov

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in other words a complete redesign with features that mimic the belius

yes and the only thing common between them was side airflow (RDA style)..
the belius came with a single coil adapter included, top fill, an actual afc ring, aligned coil/airflow, and a flat top allowing for choice in drip tip ..
the armomamizer v1 came with a 3 post deck.. if you wanted the velocity style deck(interesting name pause to contemplate why it is called that) you had to pay extra (I know I own it) other features of the v1 include a choked down top limiting drip tip options, tiny holes in the base for refilling making it very difficult to fill with anything other then a syringe, a vape band with holes in it pretending to be afc, oh and yes exposing your build every time you had to refill.

this is true but higher price is not always indicative of better anything, quite often you are paying for the name.
For some of us saving $30-50 is important, it is not like anyone is twisting arms to force compliance, it serves no purpose to go on a diatribe bashing something because you don't care for it; everything can be seen from multiple perspectives. The highest priced precision machined products can fall far short in the end (Kayfun v4 trying to do TC for example)

Uhm, no? The decks were both removable, they took airflow in from the side, and the way the Supreme and Bellus wick are NOTHING alike. Have you ever even used an Aromamizer? Better yet, have you been witness to the SmokTech M80's that caught fire, the countless tanks they have with dud coil heads or bad threading, R80 and R200's that are DOA? What planet are you living on? Also, the velocity deck option was offered for the V1 before the Bellus even hit the market. Aw shucks, there goes your thunder.

Not to mention there's an Aromamizer V2 (not the Supreme) that fixed all the issues the V1 had.

Also, the features on the Supreme or Boreas LOOK NOTHING like those of the Bellus. The Bellus also doesn't even have juice flow control, so again, there goes your thunder. The V1 even had adjustable airflow, it was just a band. You can't act like adding a ring to a tank makes it a copy, because that's the ONLY feature that the Aromamizer now has the original didn't that the Bellus had. Sure, there's also topfill, but much like an airflow ring, the Bellus was not the inventor of this.

There is no redesign. It's Steamcrave's RDTA design. Guess what, the Supreme STILL uses that design. It has a removable (floating) deck that has the airflow hitting it from the side and has wick holes on the deck itself instead of channels. The Supreme functions the EXACT same way. They added an airflow ring and juice flow control as well as topfill, that's not a redesign, it's more features. Also, UD didn't invent a single one of those things.

Did you just google image these tanks to come to this conclusion? You also fail to even understand my post, I'm not mad at Smoktech for ripping anything off, I'm saying the Boreas and Supreme come out, then not even one month later the TF-RDTA is announced.. with less features and a cheaper price meaning it's made of less quality. I don't put faith in products that were designed in two weeks, because that's how long it took them to announce the TF-RDTA after the Supreme/Boreas launched.

The modern RDTA design was invented by Aromamizer. You can't say they ripped anything off from the Bellus. The Aromamizer V1 deck was removable, you could even swap it with other decks. They both took in airflow from the side.

Are you saying the fact they added an adjustable airflow ring and topfill makes it a copy? Well, then the Bellus is a copy of hundreds of other things. The Bellus also has a drip tip, that also makes it a copy! It also has a two post deck like the Phenotype! Copy!

I'm not bashing products, I'm giving honest opinions on them. When I see something that is a complete rip off of two products THAT JUST CAME OUT, only with less juice capacity, a smaller deck, a gimmicky topfill design that's prone to leaking when it's pocketed and has nothing new to offer, I call bullshit on it. If you want to buy it, by all means. You'll have an RDTA will a smaller deck than the Supreme/Boreas, less juice capacity and with a cheaper quality of design. I'm just trying to steer people away from a brand that has a horrible reputation for releasing crap.

I'd rather a vaper have a product that was well made and has more features than have them steered the cheap route because people think saving $10 is worth sacrificing quality. I'm a dick, the entire forum knows it, but I've also had a long history with SmokTech and I've never once had a good experience with any of their products. My TF-RTA is a me-too RTA that had the threads on the post itself strip out in a week.

I also own both the Supreme and the Boreas and I can attest to their quality. I've also been using RDTA's since the Big Dripper V1, and I got the Aromamizer V1 when it came out. So I have experience in this area.

If you want to save $10, go ahead. But don't be surprised when you end up with something that makes you think it's a miracle from god it made it past quality control. I know four other people who bought TF-RTA's from a local vendor who have paperweights now from the posts (not the screws, the posts) stripping out.

I'm not being mean, I'm being honest. Also, the Bellus did not invent the RDTA design, and the new features on the Supreme weren't stolen from the Bellus either. I'm not mad at SmokTech for using designs similar to other products, I'm pointing out the fact it's a blatant cash grab me too product that's dropping a month after the Supreme and Boreas. Two weeks just for the design announcement, how much time do you think it took them to design it if it was inspired by those tanks? One month at the MOST? Not too much faith in something thrown together that quickly.

Also, relevance on the Kayfun V4? TC has nothing to do with quality, the Kayfun V4 was released when TC was in its infancy, meaning Svoemesto had NO REASON to even think about this, and EVEN RELEASED A SPECIAL ADD-ON KIT FOR IT. But by all means, you keep underlining sentences and pausing like it's relevant to the topic at hand. The Smok TF-RDTA is a me too product with lesser features than the two products it's trying to copy announced not even two weeks later, signifying a very fast, thrown together design time and a cheaper price which in the language of Smoktechenese means lower quality.

I'm really not trying to be an asshole, but you just don't seem to be understanding it, and you sit there and underline words and make -pauses- like I'm an idiot. You're the one who doesn't seem to understand, I'm trying to help people, sponsored reviewers won't tell you the things I do, they'll give it a 5 star review so the company sends them more free products they can sell on Facebook to couple with their ad revenue to make sure they never have to pay for a single piece of vape gear or bottle of juice again. I'm an honest sociopath, what can I say?
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Did you just google image these tanks to come to this conclusion?
nope, I own an armomamizer v1, a belius, a tfv4 mini, and dozens of other tanks..
I happen to LOVE the top fill design on my tfv4, it has NEVER leaked, NEVER popped open in my pocket..
I quote you an old adage with regard to that "do not blame the machinery for the loose nut operating it"
do I use smok electronics nope, I have seen what they are like, would never recommend them
I also won't use anything Evolve/DNA since that epic fail dna 40 (have one of them sitting in my mistake pile) I don't bash them, just would recommend against spending money on their products.. other companies have lapped them on TC and do it with standard industry 18650's and for far far less cost..
money may mean nothing to some folks, to others like myself it is at a premium and must be rationed out carefully; and tossing it about on TFOTD's does not meet that criteria..

Vape on!

Mikhail Naumov

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I don't understand the fact you had one bad experience with a brand KNOWN FOR QUALITY and you condemn it forever, yet you support a company WITH MODS THAT HAVE CAUGHT FIRE.

Refusing to use the DNA200, an entirely different board, over a DNA40 incident which was MUCH more likely to be the fault of the person making the mod, not the board, is just stubborn foolishness.

Almost nothing you're saying is relevant to my point, and reading your posts is nearly giving me an aneurysm. When hundreds of people have leaking TFV4's, you can't just chalk up to LOL GUESS HE WAS JUST STUPID. It's a problem with quality. If they can't take time to make quality mods, I wouldn't trust them to make quality tanks. As I said in the post above, mine, and four people I know, have had TF-RTA's with POSTS, not screws, POSTS that stripped out.

You can buy all the cheap gear you want, in the mean time I'll steer people away from a brand that literally has a reputation for being the cheapest brand on the market when it comes to vaping and with good reason.

Also try using the enter key, reading your posts is a headache.
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I have never owner an Aromamizer, but I seem to remember reports of mediocre flavor from it. The Bellus, fwiw, has exceptional flavor delivery imho, despite who borrowed from whom.

My back pocket probably ate 100ml of juice over the course of time I used the tfv4 as a daily driver. I work in construction, move around a lot, and that swinging topcap opened unbeknownst to me on so many occasions! Also, the single coil rba deck was anemic as fuck, and the dual a nightmare to build on when trying to trap and contain more advanced builds. Also, 99% of the tanks had chips in the edges which tore up the seals. Even the 4 or 6 OEM replacement tank glass that I bought had that issue, and even if they didn't come out of the package that way they'd develop chips in the edge over time in my experience.

These days I have a Boreas in one hand and a Bellus in the other, and couldn't be happier.
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Mikhail Naumov

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That swivel top cap seems like a great idea in theory, but it really just isn't. Also I got fabulous flavor off my Aromamizer V1. My main point was, SmokTech is a brand known for cutting corners to make things as cheap as possible, and outside of the TFV4, has zero innovation of their own.

Mikhail Naumov

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This isn't even mentioning the fact that SEVERAL TFV4's barely passed QC, some would leak perpetually no matter what you did to them. As you saidm they often came with burrs and chips in places that really didn't need to have them. I've bought a TFV4 that didn't even come with the O-ring seal for the swivel cap on it, it was just gone in a sealed package.

I'm not knocking them for using the design, this was never about who used whose design. It's about the TF-RDTA was announced mere WEEKS after the Supreme and Boreas launched, meaning since reviewers already have it, it was thrown together design-wise in under a month. Couple that with their HORRIBLE reputation for quality, the fact the design proves it has less to offer than the Boreas and Supreme, and I see absolutely NO reason to buy it.

All I'm saying.


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Refusing to use the DNA200, an entirely different board, over a DNA40 incident which was MUCH more likely to be the fault of the person making the mod, not the board, is just stubborn foolishness.
yup, stubborn, foolish, cheap, and steadfast in my opinion that they skipped over what I probably would have bought in a half a heartbeat..
I am not dropping $200 for something that makes my stack of 18650's paperweights and my charger an ornament...
all I need is TC with 316LSS and that is available in a plethora of options for vastly less cash

as for the tf(whatever) have said all I care to say, not supporting or bashing just pointing out for some folks the price has its appeal and for me the top fill design rocks

Mikhail Naumov

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yup, stubborn, foolish, cheap, and steadfast in my opinion that they skipped over what I probably would have bought in a half a heartbeat..
I am not dropping $200 for something that makes my stack of 18650's paperweights and my charger an ornament...
all I need is TC with 316LSS and that is available in a plethora of options for vastly less cash

as for the tf(whatever) have said all I care to say, not supporting or bashing just pointing out for some folks the price has its appeal and for me the top fill design rocks

I read your comment wrong, I apologize for being a dick. Still, use this chart. 316L isn't good for TC.

Green is good. Red is bad. Orange is barely usable.


Mikhail Naumov

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I read your comment wrong, I apologize. I thought you were calling Evolv cheap and stubborn because you couldn't afford their mods. Also, there's plenty of 18650 using DNA200 mods. The Reuleaux is one, the BIGGER DNA200 is one, then the VT133 is a dual 18650 DNA capped at 133W/6V. Then you have mods like the Efusion Duo and the Player DNA200 that swap between full 200W mode lipo's and dual 18650 133 watt mode sleds. The player is as low as $120, so if you want to venture into the DNA200 world and still keep using your 18650's, you can.

$150 with three free 18650's Reuleaux triple 18650 DNA200:

$129.99 Preorder on the Player DNA200:

$149.99 BIGGER DNA200 triple 18650

$139.99 Dual 18650 VT133:

$159.99 3S Lipo / 133W dual 18650 hybrid Efusion Duo:

There's also a single 26650 DNA chip coming to the market soon called the DNA75 if you're not a high wattage guy. It's not all $200 lipo mods, you can get in for a good price and keep your lithium ion batteries. $99.99
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I read your comment wrong, I apologize for being a dick. Still, use this chart. 316L isn't good for TC.
no worries, am old, thick skinned, don't get worked up over words.. never lost any blood from them
yes I know 316lSS is not the best, but lets be honest at this point, to quote pbisardo "temperature guessing" is what we are doing
when they build a system tank/mod that has a probe set inside the coil area then they can call it temp control ;)
still ss is variable and I run at 375F-410F range depending on tank/build/juice and all I honestly want is to NEVER get a dry burnt hit (gawd I hate that sooo much) so it works for me (99% of the time anyway)
yes ni200 is way more accurate, but it tastes funny.. and the risk of toxins from cooked Ti makes me shy away from that

I have contemplated the VT133 the VT75 however I have not heard of before and that is the step I was talking about they skipped
I typically run between 12w and 35w with my tanks.. with my rda I can get upwards of 75w but that is a rarity so 200w is a waist to me

on a different note, just out of curiosity I checked three reviews on the TF-RTA G2/G4 from Mike Vapes, TVC, and DJLsb Vapes, all three sing praises on, among other things, the build quality of the tanks.. *shrugg* sometimes companies improve IDK but for $18.95 how far wrong can ya go??
I mean hell one of my favorite rda's was a $5.99 clone impulse buy.. lol it actually cost as much to get it shipped here as it cost :p


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Not really been a fan of Smok products. My first expensive MOD in my history was Smok can't remember name but was tube MOD with Bluetooth, it was crap. Had the m80 and was solid knowing would never use for temp. Have 2 tfv4's and are hit or miss (love/hate) with rba decks. IDK, with Smok I will probably end up with their new tank knowing there are better tanks out there.

I also can testify that Boreas and Supreme are top quality, the Boreas with integrated jfc seemed strange but once in use not even a concern. Thought I would end up with and maybe still will the Griffin 25, but seemsd lacking over the competition and have the Herakles rdta in route.

The Smok tanks and hardware are popular and have their place, the majority of users are not like the majority in here who want to achieve the perfect vape.

I looked at one of the 4 coil Smok tanks in store over weekend and laughed, that much time is something I don't

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I'm vaping the TF RTA G4 right now. The machining on mine is very good. My only nitpick there is do not touch it because the juice control spins like nothing! So it's not a good tank for me while driving. I like the top cap.

My big complaint about it is the pita build. I could be wrong, but I suspect that will be a big turn off to many.

Mikhail Naumov

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I'm vaping the TF RTA G4 right now. The machining on mine is very good. My only nitpick there is do not touch it because the juice control spins like nothing! So it's not a good tank for me while driving. I like the top cap.

My big complaint about it is the pita build. I could be wrong, but I suspect that will be a big turn off to many.

Do you own the G2 deck? The G4 deck, while it's a PAIN IN THE ASS to build, hasn't stripped. It's the G2 that fucked up on me.

no worries, am old, thick skinned, don't get worked up over words.. never lost any blood from them
yes I know 316lSS is not the best, but lets be honest at this point, to quote pbisardo "temperature guessing" is what we are doing
when they build a system tank/mod that has a probe set inside the coil area then they can call it temp control ;)
still ss is variable and I run at 375F-410F range depending on tank/build/juice and all I honestly want is to NEVER get a dry burnt hit (gawd I hate that sooo much) so it works for me (99% of the time anyway)
yes ni200 is way more accurate, but it tastes funny.. and the risk of toxins from cooked Ti makes me shy away from that

I have contemplated the VT133 the VT75 however I have not heard of before and that is the step I was talking about they skipped
I typically run between 12w and 35w with my tanks.. with my rda I can get upwards of 75w but that is a rarity so 200w is a waist to me

on a different note, just out of curiosity I checked three reviews on the TF-RTA G2/G4 from Mike Vapes, TVC, and DJLsb Vapes, all three sing praises on, among other things, the build quality of the tanks.. *shrugg* sometimes companies improve IDK but for $18.95 how far wrong can ya go??
I mean hell one of my favorite rda's was a $5.99 clone impulse buy.. lol it actually cost as much to get it shipped here as it cost :p

These days reviewers sing praises of everything just about.

Not really been a fan of Smok products. My first expensive MOD in my history was Smok can't remember name but was tube MOD with Bluetooth, it was crap. Had the m80 and was solid knowing would never use for temp. Have 2 tfv4's and are hit or miss (love/hate) with rba decks. IDK, with Smok I will probably end up with their new tank knowing there are better tanks out there.

I also can testify that Boreas and Supreme are top quality, the Boreas with integrated jfc seemed strange but once in use not even a concern. Thought I would end up with and maybe still will the Griffin 25, but seemsd lacking over the competition and have the Herakles rdta in route.

The Smok tanks and hardware are popular and have their place, the majority of users are not like the majority in here who want to achieve the perfect vape.

I looked at one of the 4 coil Smok tanks in store over weekend and laughed, that much time is something I don't

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The Herkales is the best non-RDTA rebuildable tank I've ever used. It's second to only my Boreas, though I do like it over the Supreme. This thing throws some clouds like it's nobodies business, but the flavor isn't as good as the Boreas because it has a TON of airflow.


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Do you own the G2 deck? The G4 deck, while it's a PAIN IN THE ASS to build, hasn't stripped. It's the G2 that fucked up on me.

These days reviewers sing praises of everything just about.

The Herkales is the best non-RDTA rebuildable tank I've ever used. It's second to only my Boreas, though I do like it over the Supreme. This thing throws some clouds like it's nobodies business, but the flavor isn't as good as the Boreas because it has a TON of airflow.

I only have the G4 deck. Sorry to hear about the G2 deck, because that one looks good.

Mikhail Naumov

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The G4 deck still works, it's just a nightmare to build on and it's prone to shorting if you're not precise as all hell.

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