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The 20 Best Sopranos Moments

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The Sopranos is back in the limelight thanks to the release of The Many Saints of Newark, the prequel movie that's available now on HBO Max and in theaters. (Read our review of The Many Saints of Newark right here.)

While HBO had found success with scripted dramas like Oz and Sex and the City, The Sopranos cemented HBO's reputation when it debuted in 1999 as a haven for quality programming and top-notch storytelling, paving the way for more great HBO fare like The Wire, Deadwood, and Six Feet Under, and for networks like FX and AMC to make similar transformations. Without Tony Soprano (played by the late and truly great James Gandolfini), the television landscape might be a very different, and less interesting, place.

In honor of the release of Many Saints, we've picked our favorite moments from The Sopranos' six (or is that six-and-a-half?) seasons. Some are funny, some are morbid, but all made for compelling TV.

And for more on The Many Saints of Newark, check out how it answers a long-lingering Sopranos question.

Spoilers, of course, follow!

20. Tony the Re-Gifter​

As seen in: "The Happy Wanderer" (Season 2)

It can't be easy growing up as the child of a mafia manager. Dad is constantly spoiling you with expensive gifts, all while expecting you not to ask where those gifts came from. Meadow got a very uncomfortable reminder of the true nature of her father's work in this episode, which chronicles the sad downfall of Robert Patrick's compulsive gambler character David Scatino.

Over the course of "The Happy Wanderer," we see David lose his family and his business after getting into debt. That culminates when Tony claims David's son's Nissan Pathfinder as partial repayment, only to turn around and re-gift it to Meadow -- who is also friends with David! Why he thought she wouldn't notice the suspicious circumstances behind her new car is beyond us. But it's one of several key moments in the series where Meadow is forced to acknowledge that her father is not a good man.

19. Carmela's Breakdown​

As seen in: "Join the Club" (Season 6)

Season 6 started off on an unexpectedly shocking note, with a befuddled Uncle Junior shooting his own nephew at the end of the season premiere. "Join the Club" explores the aftermath, with Tony's family keeping vigil even as a comatose Tony himself navigates a strange sort of Purgatory.

This episode remains fairly divisive among Sopranos fans, as "dream episodes" often tend to be. But one thing we can all agree on is that Edie Falco delivers some of her strongest acting work in the entire series as Carmela encounters her comatose husband for the first time and completely breaks down. However toxic their relationship might have become over the course of the series, never was her lingering love for Tony more apparent.

18. Evidently Chickentown​

As seen in: "Stage 5" (Season 6)

As The Sopranos entered the back half of its last season, a lot of elements that were setting up the final battle between Tony and Phil Leotardo began to click into place. That’s particularly true of the eventful and sad episode “Stage 5,” which sees Tony and Christopher's up and down relationship takes a severe turn for the worse when Tony sees his nephew's slasher film Cleaver and comes to believe that the hateful title character is based on him. Meanwhile, Johnny Sack succumbs to cancer in prison, and Phil once again gives into his frustration and rage over the death of his brother.

And that’s where this moment comes into play, as Phil sits with his lieutenant Butch and bemoans the state of things and the perceived mistreatment of himself and his family, including the changing of his family name from Leonardo way back when at Ellis Island. “Leotardo -- that’s my f#@king legacy!” he says. As the intense “Evidently Chickentown” plays on the soundtrack, the camera pans across the photos of Phil’s dead friends that hang above the bar, his mind finally set on one thing and one thing only: revenge. The scene then cuts to Tony and Christopher embracing at the baptism of Christopher’s daughter, both fully aware of the unspoken animosity between them.

17. Le Morte d’Christopher​

As seen in: "Kennedy and Heidi" (Season 6)

The Sopranos was good at shocking us with death scenes and bursts of violence, but there was perhaps no other death that was more surprising than this one, as main character and former heir apparent to Tony, Christopher, finally bought it. And not just that, but he died by Tony’s own hand.

After flipping their SUV because of Christopher’s drug-addled driving, Tony emerges relatively unscathed. But Christopher is badly injured, with his raspy attempts to breathe clearly indicating as much. Tony flips open his phone to call 911 and gets as far as “91” before her makes his decision, covering his nephew’s mouth and nose and suffocating him. Is it a mercy kill, because Tony knows Christopher can never escape the lure of drugs and the damage it does? Or is it simply another case of Tony seeing five steps ahead and making the most business savvy move he can? Surely it’s the latter, and as Chrissy stares at his uncle, he drowns in his own blood as it fills his lungs. And really, is Tony any different than the teenage girls of the title, who were on the other end of the near-collision and decided to not go back to help Tony and Christopher because they were on their learner’s permit after dark? Self-interest is all-encompassing on The Sopranos.

16. Goodbye Uncle Junior​

As seen in: "Made in America" (Season 6)

In the end, Uncle Junior wound up perhaps worse off than the many mob associates who he had outlived and outsmarted. Lost in his own mind and doomed to live out his final days in a state facility, Junior finds himself face to face with his nephew Tony one last time in one of the saddest scenes in the entire series.

This takes place in the much-anticipated series finale, where a lot of other business also needed to be dealt with, but series creator David Chase (who also wrote and directed the finale) is careful to give this all-important relationship its due. As Tony, still angry at his uncle for shooting him earlier in the season, comes to realize that Junior is not really Junior anymore, his rage turns to tears. "You and my dad -- you two ran North Jersey," Tony says. “We did?” responds Junior. “Well, that’s nice.”

15. The Chinese Prince Matchabelli​

As seen in: "Rat Pack" (Season 5)

If The Sopranos had a designated comic relief character, it was Paulie Walnuts. Paulie fancied himself a suave ladies man and all-around competent capo, but his cluelessness tended to get the better of him throughout the series. In this episode, Paulie took Tony's advice and began reading (or listening to) Sun Tzu's The Art of War. Hoping to impress his friends, Paulie waxed on about the genius of "Sun Tizzou," a man he praised as "The Chinese Prince Matchabelli," until the more worldly Silvio Dante finally set him straight.

But the best moment in Paulie's brief flirtation with culture came when he listened to Sun Tizzou in his car, knowingly absorbing the lesson "He will win, when he knows when to fight, and when not to fight" and nodding knowingly. No sooner did he absorb this bit of wisdom than Paulie launched out of his car, delivering a savage beating to a group of gardeners who owed him money. Lesson learned?

14. "Big Pussy" Gets Whacked​

As seen in: "Funhouse" (Season 2)

The Sopranos capped off its second season with the death of a major character. We all knew Salvatore "Big Pussy" Bonpensiero's days were numbered once he flipped and became an FBI informant, but that didn't make the actual moment any less tragic.

The kicker in this scene comes when Big Pussy finishes reminiscing about his Puerto Rican lover, only for Tony to turn cold and ask, "Did she even exist?" It's a quiet reminder that, for Tony, the true injury is less having his secrets spoiled to the FBI, but being betrayed by a close friend. It's in this moment that Big Pussy truly realizes what's coming. He'll never see dry land again.

13. Vito Accidentally Comes Out​

As seen in: "Unidentified Black Males" (Season 5)

The mafioso culture seen in The Sopranos is all about machismo - proving to everyone else in the family that you're tough, worthy of respect, and a red-blooded male of the highest order. It's not a culture that welcomes homosexuality. So it was a bit of a shock when Meadow's then-boyfriend Finn accidentally caught Vito Spatafore performing oral sex on a male security guard at the construction site they both "worked" at.

It was a twist that initially resulted in a humorous subplot as Finn wasn't sure whether Vito was looking to whack him for seeing too much or trying to seduce him. Finn's solution was to get engaged to Meadow. But eventually Vito's story took a dark turn when he was exposed to the rest of the crew and forced to go into hiding. His tragic, brutal death later in the series would cause a serious rift between the Soprano and Lupertazzi families.

12. Janice - A True Soprano​

As seen in: "The Knight in White Satin Armor" (Season 2)

For much of her early appearances, Tony's sister Janice made a grand show of distancing herself from the family business. She was a bohemian free spirit who traveled the world and dabbled in all sorts of crazy jobs before returning to Jersey to pester her brother. But that facade quickly faded away when she started dating her old high school boyfriend (and Tony's rival) Richie Aprile. Suddenly, Janice reverted to the stereotypical mafia housewife.

But Richie learned the hard way that Soprano blood runs deep. After calmly punching Janice in the face during an argument, he returned to his meal, only to have a dumbstruck Janice come back in the room and shoot him dead. So after weeks of exacerbating the rivalry between Tony and Richie, Janice immediately put it to rest. Funny how things work out.

11. Christopher's Intervention​

As seen in: "The Strong, Silent Type" (Season 4)

If every junkie hits bottom eventually, then Christopher Moltisanti's came when he accidentally killed fiance Adriana's dog while sitting on it in the midst of a ****** high. This finally forced the rest of the family to sit Christopher down for an intervention. And true to form for The Sopranos, that intervention resulted in Christopher getting beaten up and sent to the hospital.

The key moment, however, came when Tony again confronted his nephew in the hospital room. Tony suddenly morphs from caring uncle to vengeful mob boss, telling Christopher in no uncertain terms that he's only still alive because he's family. In more ways than one, this scene is haunting because of how we know their relationship eventually plays out.

10. Oh My!​

As seen in: "Whoever Did This" (Season 4)

Once Richie Aprile was out of the picture, Ralph Cifaretto took over as the obnoxious, overly ambitious, Janice-dating thorn in Tony's side. But as it turns out, it was a different woman that brought the two men to blows - Pie-O-My the racehorse.

Tony, as is his way, was far more attached to the impressive steed than Ralphie, who only cared about the money she could bring in. And when a freak stable fire killed the horse, conveniently granting Ralphie the $200,000 life insurance payment he so desperately needed, Tony snapped. A few frantic moments later, Ralphie was strangled to death. As with Richie, we all knew Ralphie was going to meet his end sooner or later. It just didn't happen in quite the manner expected.

9. The College Tour​

As seen in: "College" (Season 1)

A lot of shows take entirely too long to start living up to their full potential. But The Sopranos was firing on all cylinders by its fifth episode, which followed Tony and his daughter, Meadow, as they embarked on a college tour. "College" highlighted the tricky balancing act Tony was forced to maintain as a family man and a boss in one of the most powerful crime families in the Northeast. Is it hypocritical for a man who kills and extorts for a living to chastise his daughter for taking speed pills to cram for the SATs?

Never was the stark divide between Tony's personal and professional lives more apparent than when he dropped Meadow off at a school for an interview and proceeded to hunt down and kill former mafioso-turned-FBI mole Fabian Petrulio. What would Meadow say if she knew her father was choking a man with a garrote as she was touring the campus? It was a complicated relationship, indeed.

8. I Heard the Tapes, Ma​

As seen in: "I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano" (Season 1)

More often than not, it was those closest to Tony who posed the greatest threat to his life and livelihood. He finally became aware of the full scope of the conspiracy his Uncle Junior and mother Livia were planning against him after hearing taped recordings of their conversations. Tony quickly rushed to Livia's nursing home with the intent of suffocating her with her own pillow.

But he was too late. Livia was already being wheeled away by the staff after suffering a stroke. Tony whispered into his mother's ear, "I heard the tapes, Ma." It was the show's equivalent of "I know it was you, Fredo." But instead of cowering, Livia responded with a faint, chilling smile. Of all the monsters on the show, she may have been the worst.

7. The Ducks Fly Away​

As seen in: "The Sopranos" (Season 1)

Tony Soprano is not your typical mafia protagonist. He's a very flawed man, but there's also a sensitive side to him that's been beaten down and repressed by a lifetime of living in a manocentric male-ocracy. The very first episode set the stage for Tony's complicated personal problems by introducing the ducks. Animals, especially these ducks, would be a recurring motif throughout the series. Seeing the ducks leave their impromptu home in his pool and venture back out into the world caused a panic attack. To Tony, some key piece of his life was gone forever. And his struggle to understand just exactly what he was feeling would last throughout the series.

This panic attack was also preceded by one of the series' most memorable one-liners - "What, no f***ing ziti?"

6. Melfi's Choice​

As seen in: "Employee of the Month" (Season 3)

One of the darker moments in a thoroughly dark show came when Tony's psychiatrist, Dr. Melfi, was raped in a parking garage in Season 3. But that's not the moment we want to honor. More important is the pivotal choice that followed, as Dr. Melfi struggled to move forward and wrestled with the idea of turning to Tony for revenge. It would have damned her, but it was an enticing possibility all the same. Ultimately, Melfi decided to let her attacker be.

But as we saw in this episode, she relished the knowledge that she held the power over the man's life. One quick phone call, and her rapist would suffer a fate worse than any mafioso gunned down over the course of the series.

5. Lost in the Woods​

As seen in: "Pine Barrens" (Season 3)

The entire episode "Pine Barrens" really qualifies as a top moment for the series. What began as a simple job for Christopher and Paulie - executing an enforcer from the Russian mob - went to pieces when said Russian escaped, shrugged off a bullet to the head, and vanished into the snow-covered South Jersey forest. Before Christopher and Paulie knew it, they were stranded, lost, and squabbling over their meager rations of crackers and ketchup packets.

The episode was frequently hilarious, but also tinged with the suspense of never knowing when and if the Russian might emerge and attack his would-be killers, or what impact their failure might have on the Soprano family. As it turned out, the show never addressed the Russian's fate, and it remains one of the big sore points for many fans.

4. Adriana Realizes She's Doomed​

As seen in: "Long Term Parking" (Season 5)

If we've learned anything from mafia movies, it's that rats usually meet a bad end. And that was certainly on our minds during the stretch that viewers waited with bated breath to see if Adriana would survive her forced status as a mole for the FBI. In this episode, she finally broke down and confessed her duplicity to Christopher, begging him to leave their life behind and enter the Witness Protection program. Given Chris' own frustrations with the family and his desire to be the next Donnie Brasco, it very nearly seemed as though he would take the opportunity.

Instead, Adriana received a call that Chris had fallen back into his drug habits and was in the hospital. She rode with kindly Silvio, realizing only too late that she was being escorted to her death -- even as she had visions of escaping on her own, bags packed and driving away from her doom. That moment where it all clicked was somehow even worse than when the deed was done. It was a tragic end for a well-meaning character. Chris turning his fiance over to his uncle solidified once and for all his loyalty to the family, but it also sealed his own fate in a way.

3. Tony and Carmela's Big Blowout​

As seen in: "Whitecaps" (Season 4)

From the very beginning of the series, Tony was never what anyone would describe as a model husband. He lied. He cheated on his wife. He committed countless crimes to provide his family with the luxuries they craved. But in his culture, that's all to be expected. But for a wife to cheat on her husband? That's unthinkable.

The simmering tensions between Tony and Carmela finally boiled over in the Season 4 finale after Tony's former mistress Irina called the Soprano household. Carmela revealing her own emotional affair with Furio sent Tony over the edge, and he came as close as he ever would to physically striking his wife. Instead, he took his rage out on the wall. It was a scary glimpse at the monster within, and it caused a lasting rift between the two that only began to heal in the years that followed.

2. A.J.'s Suicide Attempt​

As seen in: "The Second Coming" (Season 6)

Anthony Jr. was probably never most viewers' favorite character on the show. He was a whiny, entitled brat most of the time, lacking most of his older sister's good qualities but never displaying the toughness needed to be a good soldier. But as Anthony wrestled more and more with his depression and guilt in later seasons, he became a more identifiable figure.

And that character development paid off tremendously in this episode. A despondent A.J. made a halfhearted suicide attempt, trying to drown himself in the pool but quickly realizing he didn't want to die. Luckily, Tony arrived just in time to rescue his son from his huge mistake. Initially, Tony berated A.J. for being so weak and stupid. But as A.J. sobbed, that all broke down and Tony the loving father emerged. Seeing Tony stroke his son's hair and tell him "It's okay, baby" is powerfully affecting. In fact, it's the single most gut-wrenching moment of the entire series. This scene, as much as anything else in James Gandolfini's career, is a showcase for his tremendous range and talent as an actor.

1. The Diner Scene​

As seen in: "Made in America" (Season 6)

At one point, the final scene of the series also ranked as one of the most hated, despised, and reviled scenes in television history. And on some level, it's not hard to understand why. By the end of the final season, Tony had defeated his enemies in the Lupertazzi family once and for all. A relative peace was restored, although many friends, allies, and loved ones had fallen along the way. Hanging over this victory was a sense of dread. Viewers knew at any moment that a rival mafia member might come seeking vengeance, or government agents could storm in to take Tony away.

The final scene played out in a diner, reminiscent of the final scene of Season 1's finale in Nuovo Vesuvio. As Tony waited for each of his family members to arrive, Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" played on the jukebox. He eyed other diner patrons who might have been innocent bystanders or soldiers waiting to gun him down. The final shot saw Tony look up at the door just as the song cried "Don't stop..." The episode cut to black, and -- eventually -- the credits rolled.

Reactions to this ending were mixed at best. But over time, this scene has become popular precisely because of its ambiguity. Did Tony die? Was this David Chase's way of calling back to Tony's conversation with his brother-in-law Bobby about the sudden, unexpected nature of death? Ultimately, it didn't matter. Whatever Tony's final fate, it was clear that his days were numbered. His luck can't last forever.

What are your favorite moments from The Sopranos? Let's discuss in the comments!

October 10, 2021: This story has been updated with the latest information about The Many Saints of Newark.

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