Just sort of my two cents on the Big dripper v2 after using it a few days.
a simple answer for what i thought is, meh.
looks? its gorgeous, the machining on it is beautiful, and for a moment when i first bought it, i thought it was one solid tube, i didn't realize it unscrewed to give better access to the inner tank.
air flow? eh... i feel like a second hole option would be nice, to allow for use of all four air holes at once, not just 1 or two.
flavor? Pretty good, the smaller air flow allows for a pretty warm flavorful vape, nothing amazing, but i enjoy it.
vapor? eh. again, not a ton of air flow, but decent, about on-par with me kanger tank.
the "dripper" ? honestly, it just works. 1-2 good pumps and you've got another dozen puffs, give or take. id like to see a version with two holes, to allow for better duel-coil coverage, if possible.
the mouth piece is really small, im not so fond of having to deep throat my device. but i popped a new mouth piece on it with a thick o-ring to keep it in place, and it was fine.
and finally, the building deck? shit. utter shit, the well is deep, but the posts are pretty shallow, meaning you have to build your coils, then ease them into place inside the deck, so tweaking and wicking them is kind of a pain in the arse.
over all, for 37$ its worth it, if you have a 22mm stainless mod to match it, it would be really badass, i take it when im driving, but if im just sitting at work, or im home, ill stick to my kennedy or velocity.

a simple answer for what i thought is, meh.
looks? its gorgeous, the machining on it is beautiful, and for a moment when i first bought it, i thought it was one solid tube, i didn't realize it unscrewed to give better access to the inner tank.
air flow? eh... i feel like a second hole option would be nice, to allow for use of all four air holes at once, not just 1 or two.
flavor? Pretty good, the smaller air flow allows for a pretty warm flavorful vape, nothing amazing, but i enjoy it.
vapor? eh. again, not a ton of air flow, but decent, about on-par with me kanger tank.
the "dripper" ? honestly, it just works. 1-2 good pumps and you've got another dozen puffs, give or take. id like to see a version with two holes, to allow for better duel-coil coverage, if possible.
the mouth piece is really small, im not so fond of having to deep throat my device. but i popped a new mouth piece on it with a thick o-ring to keep it in place, and it was fine.
and finally, the building deck? shit. utter shit, the well is deep, but the posts are pretty shallow, meaning you have to build your coils, then ease them into place inside the deck, so tweaking and wicking them is kind of a pain in the arse.
over all, for 37$ its worth it, if you have a 22mm stainless mod to match it, it would be really badass, i take it when im driving, but if im just sitting at work, or im home, ill stick to my kennedy or velocity.