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The Brain Science Behind Raising the Tobacco Buying Age to 21


Under Ground Hustler
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"The new San Francisco ordinance, which is set to take effect June 1 and will also affect e-cigarettes, is also aimed at deterring people fromsmoking at an early age. About 90 percent of tobacco users begin before age 18, and the vast majority of the rest start before age 26, King said.

"If you can prevent use before the age of 18, you're preventing about 9 in 10 tobacco users," he said. "Then we don't have to help them quit, if we can prevent them from starting in the first place.

So HOW would raising the legal smoking age to 21 prevent kids under the age of 18 from starting smoking when the age has been 18 and over the whole time?

What is happening is vaping is displacing smoking so they will implement this 21 and over law then pat each other on the back next year when less people are smoking.

Swearing the whole time that it was this law and not vaping that reduced the smoking rate - 5150


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
so this circle jerk is what passes for a more civilized age these twats would have been dragged out of city hall...stripped naked, dosed with tar then feathers poured over them....they then would have been put straddeling a rail the population would have made them ride the rail to the city limits where they were told not to return....while rome burns these morons play with trival ass shit...what kind of neanderthals vote this scum into office.

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