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The Brink: "Baghdad My A**" Review


Staff member
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Vape Media
Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Well that was the shortest hostage holding of a U.S. diplomat we've ever seen on TV. After just one week of questioning (and some slight water boarding), Raja released Alex Talbot so that he could deliver a message to Walter Larson and hopefully avoid what's beginning to feel like the potential beginning of World War III. Or did he? The Brink's third episode threw an interesting plot twist at viewers when it was revealed that Raja is in fact brother to insurgent leader General Zaman, and he might not actually hate the horse-riding general as much as he let on to Alex.

At first, we wondered why Raja didn't just give his message to Larson himself. After all, the secretary of state had been trying to get a hold of him for an entire episode -- did he really need the "Chinese Twins" guy in order to do that? But if the game is to make it seem as though Raja is secretly working against his brother, formal lines of communication could indeed be hacked. Still, it was disappointing to see Alex be let go so quickly, rather than be held captive for a while longer, since it mined so much comedy for the character. Back out in the open (and under threat of death) he was back to being that carefree dude who just wanted to score weed, albeit with slightly more determination than before.

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