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The ENDS justifies the ends


Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
^^^Agreed, one of the best that l have read. Thank you. Need to know how to bookmark it.
Also have 3 documenties to watch.


Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
^^^Good work again inspects. I salute you!

Watched the BBC documentary cited in article. Fantastic, if you are able to watch it on BBC i player then it is definitely worth watching. I learned a lot. Thanks 5150, didn't know that this had aired.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The last line was the clincher.....

"But this has been a consumer-led movement which could deliver the biggest public health benefit of our age without any cost to the tax payer – something neither governments nor the world’s leading health bodies can take any credit for. And that perhaps, Professor Stimson muses, maybe part of the problem."........

So, what happens when the world sees that the greatest boon to public health in the last couple of centuries...wasn't created by the goverment,supported by the goverment,finnanced by the goverment.....why hell the idea might just flloat across their frontal lobe........WHAT THE FUCK do we need the goverment for.......why don't we just defund the bastards.and that is the real threat...FREEDOM oppressive nanny state DOES NOT...human freedom will lead humanity to enlightenment,not fucking draconian do gooder egalitarian BS.

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