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The FDA’s Looming Regulatory Onslaught Threatens the Freedom to Vape


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The silence is deafening. If the Republicans were the ones trying to ban everything, and the Democrats were trying to stop it from happening, I think you'd have a 45 page long diatribe about those 'nasty' conservatives. The liberals do it, and everyone runs and hides for cover. I wouldn't want to try to explain how I could possibly support those nut job control freaks either. So I'll be th elobne voice to say it. THANK YOU Republicans!

"Thankfully, legislation has been introduced that would keep e-cigarettes and vapor products already on the market from going through an extensive and costly regulatory process. The language was attached to the agriculture appropriations bill, despite Democrats’ attempts to remove it. Though the bill never made it to the floor of Congress for a vote, it’s possible that it could be included in the upcoming omnibus spending bill."

The timing on this couldn't be better, either. With everyone watching ISIS and Paris, it could easily slide by.

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