So i just came across a new 2s2p device that I thought you guys might be interested in. There is a guy on ebay selling it for about 80 shmakos with about 20 bucks for shipping (for me at least. The price includes the massive 45mm Atty and 4 batts as well- but TBH those batts look shady AF.... 35A -_-). Focal ecig has it for about a 100 (with atty but no batts). The mod seems to have some safety features from what i can gather and seems slightly better designed than the HOG imho. What do you guys think? I am a big guy and i love big stuff And it looks like i'll have to start saving up again. Hardly anything on YouTube at the moment except for a guy called "China Victor Striving" who gives a first look at it.
Oh and that sliding fire switch looks like it'll break any moment, but that's just speculation.
Alibaba for them group buys