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The journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons should retract paper and press release on e-


Under Ground Hustler
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The hack job "study" that has nothing at all to do with vaping and plastic surgery that somehow passed peer review:

The even worse of a hack job press release that has nothing to do with reality in general:

The long-term effects of inhaling nicotine vapor are unclear, but there is no evidence to date that it causes cancer or heart disease as cigarette smoking does. Indeed, many researchers agree that e-cigarettes will turn out to be much safer than conventional cigarettes. However, because of the uncertainty surrounding their use, with regard to surgeons with patients who smoke e-cigarettes, caution is currently advised. Based on our current best knowledge, it seems reasonable to advise plastic surgery candidates to cease e-cigarette use in a manner similar to what is advised with traditional nicotine inhalation compounds. A published study of 102 patients undergoing general surgical procedures showed that cessation of smoking for 3 to 4 weeks’ duration before surgery reduced the incidence of postoperative complications from 41 percent to 21 percent. Further investigation failed to show similar benefit when the cessation was only 1 to 3 weeks’ duration before colorectal surgery.73 Refraining from use 4 weeks before surgery is a prudent course of action despite the fact that it has yet to be determined whether the effects are similar to those of traditional cigarettes.

I know of this study about CIGARETTE SMOKING causing surgeries not to heal as well as if you were a non smoker.

It is THE REASON that I switched to vaping and the reason I am still alive to bring you vaping related news today.

There is NO, NONE, ZERO, ZILCH studies on vaping after surgery and since vaping does NOT deplete the body of oxygen I would be willing to believe it is as safe as that of a non smoker / non vaper to use after surgery if you would have normally smoked.

In fact my Hip Surgeon asked me to use NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) for at least the entire 6 months I went with no left hip and no left pelvis while he and my infectious disease doctor worked to kill the infection from my hip revision surgery and then I went on to get ANOTHER hip revision surgery.

Vaping worked so well that I never even thought about going back to smoking.
That was since August 2012.

To sum this up these "researchers" are making complete asses out of me, you, themselves, the doctors who read this bullshit and believe it, the entire peer review process, etc... 5150


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They seem to suffer the delusion that people vape purely out of freewill, free choice, and can therefore simply not do it, just because they're facing surgery. They really need to join the rest of us in reality and realize that people vape because it's the only alternative to smoking, and therefore cannot be simply stopped -- not without the extremely adverse side effect of bringing on the craving to smoke again.

When I smoked, and was advised not to smoke after some dental procedure, I always laughed at them, then went home and cut the filters in half, so I could continue to smoke without risking bleeding -- because smoking was CERTAINLY not a freewill, free choice thing; I smoked because I HAD TO, and the only thing that has changed that requirement is vaping. If I don't vape, I'll crave smoking, and after almost 2 and a half yrs smoke free, that's a can of worms I'm not prepared to reopen.

My suggestion to anyone being told by a doctor not to vape OR smoke because of some impending surgery is... ignore them, because they very clearly don't have the first fucking clue what they're talking about. ESPECIALLY if the idiot doctor is telling them not to vape, as if that's just a simple choice rather than a necessity. When I smoked, smoking was a requirement. Now that I vape, vaping is a requirement... in order not to smoke.


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