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The Latest In The Never-Ending Assaults On Our Freedoms. One Of These Is Lethal


Under Ground Hustler
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Written by Steve Forbes himself:

Steve Forbes , FORBES STAFF

E-cigarettes. Vapers have been a godsend to millions of smokers who had previously had no success in quitting. Essentially, e-cigarettes allow users to inhale nicotine–the ingredient that gives a smoker pleasure–but without the carcinogens that make traditional cigarettes so deadly. In the same manner they keep millions of young people who would normally take up cigarette smoking from doing so. There’s no credible evidence whatsoever that vapers are a gateway to cigarettes. If anything, they’re a prophylactic. Yet the FDA has hit this lifesaving industry in the solar plexus.

All devices made after Feb. 15, 2007 are now subject to FDA approval, an enormously expensive and time-consuming process. Given the agency’s bias, makers may still not get approval. Meanwhile, for those who want to quit smoking–well, too bad.

Why that 2007 date? It’s arbitrary. It’s when Congress took up legislation to give the FDA new powers over the tobacco industry.

Vaping is a fairly new technology. The few products available in early 2007 were vastly inferior in convenience and safety compared with those available today. Competition has given consumers better and better offerings.

Perversely, the FDA will, in effect, be junking today’s good stuff in favor of the relatively low-quality products made nearly a decade ago.

We really need important people like Steve Forbes to help tell our story and tell the non vaping public about the FDA's plan to let all 8+ million of us vapers quit or die a slow painful death all because these assholes in congress made bad investments with the MSA money 2 decades ago. - 5150


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
very cool, having Steve Forbes in our court really elevates us in the eyes of the mainstream culture.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is very encouraging! Also I have received email responses from NC Congressman George Holding and Senator Thom Tillis who both said they will support H.R.2058.

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