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The Lucky Russian -by trecenters


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Hello Everyone,

I am trecenters from Nashville, TN. I have been lurking for quite some time now "mostly on reddit". I just wanted to stop by and throw you guys a recipe I have been enjoying this week. Several of you guys & gals have helped me in so many ways with knowledge and "how to". So Thank you and I hope you enjoy my latest recipe as I have enjoyed many of yours.

The Lucky Russian -breakfast vape by trecenters

  • TFA Butterscotch 1.5%
  • CAP Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 1.5%
  • TFA Kalua & Cream Type Flavoring By 1%
  • TFA Lucky Leprechaun 1%
  • CAP Sweet Cream 1%
  • CAP Marshmellow 1%
  • FA Merangue 1%
  • CAP Irish Cream 0.5%
  • TFA Sweetener 1%
  • TFA brown sugar extra 0.5%

This needs to steep a week due to the Kalua & Irish Cream (both very strong flavors) needing to mellow out and for the Creme, Cereal, & Marshmellow to come into play.

Adjust Sweetener to preference. I take my coffee with a lot of Creme and Splenda. :) It will dissipate the bitterness of the coffee taste in the Kalua. Of course you may like the bitterness.

I had Kalua sitting around for some time. When I first started DIY I assumed I could just mix it as a single flavor concentrate.

The Lucky Leprechaun is a weak corn mill type cereal flavor & freeze-dried marshmellow that seems to work well to make this taste more like a dessert instead of just a drink.

The Butterscotch is high in percentage but just blends in to the background and seems to add volume to the flavors. This can probably be lowered a bit if you do not like butterscotch. It is a great topping to this mix though.

The Vanilla Bean I creme is a good mix with the Chocolate though. The rest of the cremes are there just to make this Milky, A good White Russian or Mudslide has a lot of creme.

Is this an ADV? For myself yes, I enjoy a nice White Russian or Mudslide when I drink from time to time. For me this is an ADV...

The next time you want to drink some vodka shots and have a dessert this vape may be your choice of the night. This is also very good with Coffee in the morning.


Any suggestions and/or comments are accepted and respected.
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Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thank you for your contribution , trecenters, and since I've not done so previously, welcome to VU!

Thank you, sincerely, for taking the time to properly post the recipe as well, rather than just a screen shot from a third-party website. Kudos! :)


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Bull City Vapor's Batch of Repackaged TFA Lucky Leprechaun

First I want to say I love Bull City Vapor. They have a great store and great prices. I am only posting this in case anyone has ordered this flavor from them. You may want to get a return going.

I first ordered TFA Lucky Leprechaun from the TFA Store in January 2015. I had almost ran out and decided to buy it this time from Bull City Vapor in August.

When I got my new bottle from Bull City Vapor it was repackaged "that is how they turn a profit". I had thrown the 2ml that I had left of the original I bought from TFA in a box.

I then noticed that every recipe I made with the BCV bottle did not taste good. I wasn't sure why. This month I ordered another from BCV and had the same issue "Bad Taste".

This past week I found my Old Original bottle from the TFA store and tried it. It was amazing.

I did notice the Original TFA was almost clear in color and the flavor notes for the dried marshmallow are higher while the BCV repackaged bottle is an amber color and the smell is very muted with the grain cereal having the higher note and the dried marshmallow not present.

That is why I didn't release that Lucky Russian recipe until now. It stopped tasting right until I found my Old Original TFA bottle of TFA Lucky Leprechaun

I have contacted them for a return on the repackaged bottles and let them know about the issue with the bulk they have. Just wanted to make you guys aware just in case you bought this flavor and have dismissed it as just being a bad flavor.
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