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The Push for Teens to Stop Vaping


Under Ground Hustler
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Whenever local governments start looking to keep teens from vaping a TAX is about to be put up for a vote.

"Teen Vaping" is a made up problem that doesn't even exist.

Lets be real about this:

A teen vapes for a few months because it's "trendy" and goes on with the rest of his/her life and everything is all good.

A teen Smokes for a few months because it's "trendy" and goes on to a life long addiction to tobacco cigarettes and 1/2 of the time dies 10 years early because of this choice.

So what was the problem again??? - 5150


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah fucking brilliant you fucking asshole politicans......92 million people unemployed in America....youth unemployment off the charts....and the political class spend their time on policing vaping...jesus wept.


Platinum Contributor
Vape Media
Member For 5 Years
teen vaping is an actual issue
the same kids in my sons school have been vaping for much more then a few months.

I think we all agree we dont want kids to puck up vaping cuz it looks cool

but more and more are.

plus mom and dads are buying them alot of this stuff. so when we say "hey we dont need regulated because we are regulating ourselves" those parents make us out to be liars, because its not good to buy kids this stuff just so they can be cool.

taxes are not going to fix this issue though

maybe a fine on parents, but that the furthest legal intervention i would go

and there are plenty of teens who picked up smoking cuz it was trendy and quit months or a few years later


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah you don't want to see kids picking up any addiction, but on the other hand.buying the kid juice is better than the kid picking up cigarettes...and left to their own devices kids will score smokes........but I think the real issue is the fact that the goverment has absolutely zero interest in solving problem...if they fix a problem they are out of a job....they are interested in creating a massive bloated beauacracy that pays them lucrative wages, and has great job security...they are parasites.this is just a chickenshit justifiction to steal more of the peoples wealth using scare tactics.

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