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The US media is losing its mind over vaping and Juul the questions a credible journalist should ask


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The "American media", or rather the corporate owned mouthpieces of the global elite have been losing their minds since they got caught by Julian Assange trying to rig the nomination for Hilary Clinton..that was the first big crack, then the continual loss of their influence by more and more people flocking to the Alt-media and youtube....this is why we see the purge being carried out on youtube to cleanse all voices other than those that push the narritive of the globalists is occuring.Before the internet 2 corporations AP and Rueters controled all the information the people consumed,they were able to manufacture the reality, the narritive that people accepted as the world.They were the Kingmakers, they elected presidents and destroyed lives, and steered the masses where they willed....suddenly that power is being toppeled..and they don't like it...they gone from being the voice of God to a national joke.

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