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The Wheel of Time Season 1, Episode 6 Review: "The Flame of Tar Valon"

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The following contains spoilers for The Wheel of Time’s sixth episode, “The Flame of Tar Valon,” which aired on Amazon on Dec. 10. For more, check out our review of last week's episode.

The Emond’s Field Five are finally reunited and learn what Moiraine has in store for them in this week’s episode of The Wheel of Time, “The Flames of Tar Valon.” It’s another excellent outing that pushes the first season into the endgame while laying out the stakes for the characters and the world.

The episode begins with a flashback introduction of Siuan Sanche (Sophie Okonedo), the Amyrlin Seat i.e. leader of the Aes Sedai, that demonstrates the difficult choices women who can channel must make to avoid White Cloaks and others who would kill them because they fear their power. It’s a conflict that’s really played up in Amazon’s series, which draws parallels in the ways that both Siuan and the Red Ajah Liandrin have hardened themselves. There’s a dark truth to Logain’s points about the weakness of the Aes Sedai and how even captured and gentled, he may continue to prove an inspiration to those who would rise up against them. Alvaro Morte sells every word of both his bravado and his desperate pleas to die rather than be forced to live without power.

Okonedo brings immense gravitas to the role, with help from the direction of her entrance, which is set to stirring music and features a dramatic overhead shot of the gathered Aes Sedai standing in judgement before her — Moiraine watching her breathlessly. Robert Jordan described the two as “pillow friends,” who fooled around as hormonal teens but then abandoned that relationship. The show develops a deeper queer relationship between them which has been tested by Moraine’s long absence on her quest for the Dragon. Pufferfish, Siuan’s pet name for her perpetually guarded lover, is adorable in how fitting it is for Moiraine while also alluding to Siuan’s humble origins as a fisher. Rosamund Pike and Okonedo have a tender chemistry in their all too brief reunion, as Siuan wistfully points out that her new tattoos aren’t really that new and admits that they may only really be able to enjoy each other’s company again in another life.

It’s understandable why Rand tried to keep Mat’s condition a secret, and there’s something very sweet in his earnest if futile attempts to keep Moiraine and Lan away from his friend. But the revelation provides a powerful show of the Aes Sedai and her Warder’s impressive competence as they quickly determine the cause of Mat’s madness and address it. A scene that starts a little too much like The Exorcist takes a novel turn as Moiraine pulls the corruption into herself, staying stoic even as Lan’s physical reaction shows how agonizing it must be.

There may be no more driven character in all of The Wheel of Time than Moiraine, and that’s really on full display this episode. She thinks little of her own safety or happiness as she works tirelessly to protect the Emond’s Field Five, ruthlessly threatening Liandrin when her schemes get too close to Moiraine’s mission.

The funniest scene in the show to date is the introduction of Nynaeve and Egwene to Siuan. The contrast between the Wisdom and her would-be apprentice is impressively drawn with body language as Egwene respectfully bows and looks at Nynaeve aghast as she pointedly refuses to do the same. Even funnier is Egwene beaming as Siuan says she’s been told “you’re the most powerful channeler we’ve seen in 1,000 years” only to look extremely dejected when she learns that superlative actually belongs to Nynaeve, who wants nothing to do with the Amerlyn Seat’s praise. There’s some great character building in these subtle performances.

“The Flame of Tar Valon” delivers some excellent character building.

The episode ends with a happy reunion as the Emond’s Field Five, Moiraine, Lan and Loial prepare to set out to the Eye of the World to keep the Dark One from escaping his prison. Moiraine continues to employ the subtle workarounds to her geas against lying by telling them that the fate of whoever isn’t the Dragon Reborn is uncertain, even though she believes that it’s likely to be death.

That sliver of hope is enough for most of the noble crew, but not for Mat, who stays behind at the last minute. This is a major departure from the novel The Eye of the World, so we’ll have to see what the show’s writers have planned and how it might play into the recasting of the character for Season 2.

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