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The Worst Advice You Will EVER Get From A Doctor About Vaping That Is 100% False


Under Ground Hustler
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Do NOT Share This Total Piece of Shit Video From The Biggest Hack, Quack, & Con Artist of A Doctor I Have EVER Seen.

I hope this Woman gets taken to court, sued for malpractice then decides not to pay the fines, court costs and Defense
Then ends up in the worst womens prison in the Country in a cell with the worst woman criminal in the entire world.
That still wouldn't be enough to pay for this sack of shit video. - 5150

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Wanna tell her how you feel?
Have at it - 5150

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omg... she should have her medical licencse pulled!


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Member For 4 Years
first this piece of crap was made by huffington post one of the many leftist totalitarin fucks who are waging war on vaping,secondly this twit is the daughter of Mario Cuomo the very corrupt New York politician, she is immensely wealthy and her family is very well connected in the Democrat Party which is in bed with big Pharma and big Tobacco.....if she wasn"t related to a Cuomo she most likely would be teaching medicine in Grenada....
My father in law has been a cancer specialist since this chick was shitting yellow, he has travled the world with the World Health Orginization, had a private practice and taught at Harvard, and he was very happy to hear I was vaping rather than smoking.

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