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There Were 8.5 Million Google Searches Related To Vaping In 2014, But Only Rarely About Its Health R


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There Were 8.5 Million Google Searches Related To Vaping In 2014, But Only Rarely About Its Health Risks

“Traditional public health surveillance is stuck behind the eight ball. Surveys are both too costly and delayed to provide meaningful insights into real-time trends for ENDS popularity. As a result, we do not have any reliable estimate for state-by-state popularity of ENDS.” he said, adding that even when people take surveys, they might be disinclined to reveal their real desires if they fear being shamed for it, such as with cigarette use. “Search query surveillance, in contrast, is free and available in near real-time. Moreover, we can see precisely what the population is thinking and when they're thinking it based on the content of their queries.”

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

First) You only search for vaping health concerns ONCE that's before you buy your FIRST mod.
Then you get to know the links (like this one) to all of the news (if you follow the news at all)

Second) Vaping IS NOT for tobacco cessation and it never was.

While the ANTZ think the goal is quitting nicotine and vaping altogether we know that the goal is to SWITCH from smoking to vaping.
I am prepared to vape for the rest of my life just like I was prepared to smoke for the rest of my life before all this shit came along.

They should be happy we switched.

Third) Surveys are too costly and delayed?
Bullshit. They just take the grant money, cut corners by doing this instead of the survey and funnel money into their pockets and into the school they are doing the study at.

Besides if they do a survey we may notice they are asking the wrong questions (asking about experimentation instead of heavy use, not asking if nicotine is even being used, etc...) then we may notice that they are lying in the delivery of their results. (calling experimentation "use", pretending everyone vapes with nic, making a problem out of nothing like the 750X less diacetyl than smoking or the less formaldehyde than already in human breath, comparing vaping to fresh country air instead of cigarettes, etc...)

It doesn't matter if they are fucking you out of results or money you are still getting fucked.
That is the problem, not what you searched for using google - 5150

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