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Thor #7 Review


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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Vape Media
Comics’ longest running game of peek-a-boo continues here in issue #7 as we get closer than ever to learning the identity of Mjolnir’s current blonde-locked bearer. This singular focus threatens to overwhelm the issue’s more present narrative at times, but Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman do a solid job of building their character’s future even as they further sprinkle the breadcrumbs of her past.

Aaron has led us readers on quite the merry path so far in this new run, offering many teases and twists pertaining to Thor’s mystery replacement. Issue #7 sees him throw said subtlety right out the window, the writer actively trolling the book with a giant neon arrow of seeming intent. That in itself proves immediately suspicious, as with so many clues pointing towards one particular character, it’s easy to suspect more tomfoolery ahead. When not being a teasy Tina, Aaron continues to build his lead in a fashion both unique and familiar. His Thor carries many of the same strengths and flaws associated with the namesake, though it’s the new additions, such as her relationship with Mjolnir, that prove most investing.

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