What about the orange flavor?it's an orange cream type with bits of licorice..
id go with
5-7% Ecto Cooler FW
4-6% Vanilla Swirl TFA
2-3% Black LicoriceFW
.5-75% Menthol
shake and vape.. might meld together on a steep..
it's an orange cream type with bits of licorice..
5-7% Ecto Cooler FW<<orange flavor
Ok so take out the Ecto Cooler put in the orange?
Ok so take out the Ecto Cooler put in the orange?
Thank you very muchno...
i'd go with the ecto cooler.. its about the best orange flavor you will find for this type recipe.
Me too love the ice creamYou welcome, hope it turns out fantastic for you
Thanks so much smokey...BTW you have some really great recipes! !I have had it a couple times.. and i know we have a few fans of it here..