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Time to go rta?

Randy Mullins

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I've been through two sub ohm tanks now. The crown and the steam engine and I'm experiencing leaking and short coil life.
Starting to think it's a common trend on sub tanks.
Anyway I'm not a pro coil builder but have built on a couple drippers. I run through about 20ml of juice a day on sub tanks so need good capacity.
Is it time to switch and what's a good tank to go to that should not give me problems building standard coils.

Thanks in advance


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I've been through two sub ohm tanks now. The crown and the steam engine and I'm experiencing leaking and short coil life.
Starting to think it's a common trend on sub tanks.
Anyway I'm not a pro coil builder but have built on a couple drippers. I run through about 20ml of juice a day on sub tanks so need good capacity.
Is it time to switch and what's a good tank to go to that should not give me problems building standard coils.

Thanks in advance
I would 100% switch to a rta especially a griffin, boreas, or aromamizer supreme all have large build decks and will be very easy for a beginner builder to use. Once you get used to building and want to start trying more complicated coils these tanks can fit them and in the case of the boreas and aromamizer they hold 7 and 8 ml's of liquid. Also if built correctly they won't leak. There's plenty of review videos on YouTube showing how to correctly build them. Also you save money you don't have to buy coils every week you can get a roll of 100ft of wire for like 5 $ if your building basic coils that roll could last over a year. Once you go to rta's you probably won't look back at sub tanks.

Randy Mullins

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Thanks for the fast replys....I'm leaning hard....and will look up some videos when I get off work. I like the idea of good capacity and I'm using a rx200 so I should be able to power it just fine.
One other thought, how is juice consumption on rtas say at .4 or .5 ohms with basic dual coils?


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Thanks for the fast replys....I'm leaning hard....and will look up some videos when I get off work. I like the idea of good capacity and I'm using a rx200 so I should be able to power it just fine.
One other thought, how is juice consumption on rtas say at .4 or .5 ohms with basic dual coils?
I don't usually build that high. I build usually .3 and lower and mostly fused Claptons but like with the aromamizer supreme which is 7mills I go threw about 2 tanks a day but I also use an rda daily as well so I probably vape anywhere from 15-30 mills a day. But with .5 regular coils you won't go through it nearly as fast. I can't really compare it to a sub tank that you listed last and only subtank that I bought was the tfv4 and I guess the mutant but I never used to premade subohm coils in the mutant went straight to the rta base. With the tfv4 I'd say it's almost even with the amount I go threw in the aromamizer but I also used to use the six coil premade coil in the tfv4. Sorry if this didn't help lol


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Also would highly recommend making your own juice I don't even worry about juice consumption

Randy Mullins

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Also would highly recommend making your own juice I don't even worry about juice consumption

I still buy there's the up front cost of making your own plus how much will I mess up on before I find something I dig. I'm a huge peanut butter nut and love big Nutta witch from mech sauce. If I could get close I'd definitely give it a go


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I still buy there's the up front cost of making your own plus how much will I mess up on before I find something I dig. I'm a huge peanut butter nut and love big Nutta witch from mech sauce. If I could get close I'd definitely give it a go
Yea there's is a little bit of an investment liter of 100mg nicotine anywhere from 40-100$ but that will last you a long time the PG and VG is cheap same with syringes and empty bottles the flavors is where it can get pricey especially finding the flavors you want and different companies flavors can be very different even if they are supposed to be the same flavor. Once you get some mixtures down though you will save a ton of money instead of spending $20 and up a week or day depending on the juice you are buying you might spend $20 a month probably not even. I'd say the initial investment would be anywhere from $150- $250 depending on the amount of different flavors you buy. Also you can buy small bottles of flavor for relatively cheap and find the ones you like and then order larger ones


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Also would highly recommend making your own juice I don't even worry about juice consumption
I just switched to the griffin rta. It is wonderful. But it does drink juice and I vape Nicoticket so it is very expensive. I have started DIY as the switch to the rta can be very costly in juice. But flavor production of griffin, aromamizer, and other rta's are unmatched compared to the subtank mini I had beforehand.


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Thanks for the fast replys....I'm leaning hard....and will look up some videos when I get off work. I like the idea of good capacity and I'm using a rx200 so I should be able to power it just fine.
One other thought, how is juice consumption on rtas say at .4 or .5 ohms with basic dual coils?

I think "some" maybe sugar coating a little, most new RTA's are juice guzzlers, find one that you can close the juiceflow holes and airflow separately and you can tailor your wattage more so to your build and not have to run higher wattage's.
DIY juice should be in your very near future purchases, WELL worth the up-front cost, $1.20 - $2.20 for 30 ml .............


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I think "some" maybe sugar coating a little, most new RTA's are juice guzzlers, find one that you can close the juiceflow holes and airflow separately and you can tailor your wattage more so to your build and not have to run higher wattage's.
DIY juice should be in your very near future purchases, WELL worth the up-front cost, $1.20 - $2.20 for 30 ml .............
All tanks mentioned here have a juice flow control separately except the boreas. The boreas' jfc and afc work together which is kinda what you want to do anyway if you close off some of the jfc and leave the afc completely open there's a good chance of running into dry hits depending on the way you vape. Your coil build will have more to do with juice consumption. If you put a .8 ohm 28 gauge 2mm coil in it you won't go threw that much juice if you put a 3.5 .2 ohm fused Claptons in it you will go threw more juice. That's what nice about a rta/rda you can tailor make it to your vaping needs...

Randy Mullins

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Thanks for the videos. Love having all the info I can get. I know a few of you recommended making my own juice does anyone have a solid video link so I can research that over the week. And thanks to all here for the help. I'm leaning toward the boreas...might be overkill for me but I'm sure I'll grow into it


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Thanks for the videos. Love having all the info I can get. I know a few of you recommended making my own juice does anyone have a solid video link so I can research that over the week. And thanks to all here for the help. I'm leaning toward the boreas...might be overkill for me but I'm sure I'll grow into it

You won't be disappointed with the switch.

If you want to know more about diy I suggest heading over to that forum. Alot of helpful guides as well as people to answer any questions.


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Thanks for the videos. Love having all the info I can get. I know a few of you recommended making my own juice does anyone have a solid video link so I can research that over the week. And thanks to all here for the help. I'm leaning toward the boreas...might be overkill for me but I'm sure I'll grow into it
While the Griffin is great, and those guys aren't wrong for recommending it... and I love it just as much (if not a tad more to be honest, the Boreas is a bit much for me) the Boreas does have the easiest wicking out there. Thought you couldn't beat the Griffin and Diablo's wicking, but I was wrong. Wicking is the most difficult jump to RTAs, so the easier the better there.

Randy Mullins

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You won't be disappointed with the switch.

If you want to know more about diy I suggest heading over to that forum. Alot of helpful guides as well as people to answer any questions.

Just spent some time over's info overload for a new person. Great for ppl already mixing lol....I'll get some questions going and ask for help there. Thanks


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If you want to try an RTA that doesn't guzzle too much juice (Nicoticket is precious stuff) you can always try out a dedicated single coil RTA like the Serpent. It's extremely simple to wick, doesn't leak and has outstanding airflow. It won't have the same flavor or vapor as a dual coil RTA but you won't burn through nearly as much juice.

That said, single coil RTAs are generally used on smaller mods. They take much less power to run so they match single 18650 mods very well.


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I haven't tryed any of these new rtas since the crius was the rta to buy. But I would recommend the crius. I have not had the urge to buy anything else. It does everything I need it to very well. So well I bought another one.

Randy Mullins

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Making tabs on my phone so I can look them up after work lol thanks for the suggestions


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Just spent some time over's info overload for a new person. Great for ppl already mixing lol....I'll get some questions going and ask for help there. Thanks
DIY gets complicated and your 100% correct on information overload I still experience it and I have been diying for almost a year and I still have trouble I try a lot of recipes posted online and a lot of them are terrible the trick is to find at least a few you like which involves trial and error but once you get some down you save a lot of money and then you slowly find more you keep experimenting but you at least have the mixtures you can fall back on. It's also fun. It's worth the investment, I can't give you a certain video to watch that will tell you the best because everyone has different tastes. One person who dedicates all his videos to diying is fresh03 on YouTube I'd recommend checking him out as far as things you will need are nicotine I suggest 100 MG unless you are very clumsy and worried about spilling it in yourself then maybe you want 50mg, blunt syringes for measuring, vegetable glycerin, propyline glycol, and flavors I'd suggest the flavor apprentice to start out with they have decent quality flavors for a decent price. Now it can be a bit much at first but there's plenty of people on here and YouTube videos that will help you out plus many other sites like they have 1000s of recipes. The actual mixing process is simple you just mix everything together and shake it l, some mixtures need to steep for a while (they need time for the flavors to blend together before they taste right sometimes up to 2 weeks or even longer) but some flavors are good right after mixing. Like I said it can be complicated and takes some time to learn, but the sooner you get into it the quicker you will learn. Sorry of I made this sound over complicated it's really not that hard the hard part is finding the right combinations of flavoring
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I haven't tryed any of these new rtas since the crius was the rta to buy. But I would recommend the crius. I have not had the urge to buy anything else. It does everything I need it to very well. So well I bought another one.
I never bought a crius but came very close until I started hearing the issues supposedly a lot of them were defective and leaked. Also at this point I feel it's a little outdated the billow v3 is basically an upgraded version of the crius , bigger deck, well manufactured. Also most people liked the griffin better. I love my griffin it's truly a great tank. Only issue it has is juice compacity it only holds 3.5 mills and for me it could have a little more airflow. Now the griffin 25 should be available any day now which has a slightly bigger deck, a lot more airflow, bigger juice capacity. On paper that tank looks perfect but I can't recommend it only because it isn't available yet but should be on the 18th. Honestly you can't go wrong with the original griffin for a start I've also heard great things about both the billow v3 and v3 mega ( the mega is a bigger 25mm version) also I can vouch for the aromamizer supreme but it can be finicky at times and might be complicated for a new builder. The best part though about any rta is that no matter what's going wrong you can always fix it and there's 100s of videos on YouTube that will teach you what to do on every single one of them.


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Never had a problem with either of my crius. Any rta can be leaky if you don't know how to wick.


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Never had a problem with either of my crius. Any rta can be leaky if you don't know how to wick.
There's plenty of information out there about defective ones and not from people who don't know how to wick. I'm not saying all of them were but a large percentage of them had issues. Even on this forum there's plenty of people who complained about leaking. Also like I said it's outdated the billow v3 is basically the same thing but upgraded also it's probably cheaper


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Well I guess I got pretty lucky. I got a v2 and a v3. They only leaked when I first got them because I wasn't wicking them right.


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Well I guess I got pretty lucky. I got a v2 and a v3. They only leaked when I first got them because I wasn't wicking them right.
I don't know about the v2 but the v3 is the one people had issues with i think it was an issue with the o rings on some of them but not all. a lot of people got good ones and a lot of people got bad ones I never looked into it because I didn't own one but almost bought it untill I started hearing about the issues, and then the griffin came out and everyone stopped caring about the crius. Like I said the billow is almost the same thing it has the same wicking method, improved deck, very similar top fill method and I was wrong about it being cheaper I just looked it up you can now get one for $26 but it's because they lowered the price because it's now considered old It's one of the problems with the vape world every month something is coming out that's better then what came out a month before. The crius came out months ago at this point it's basically obsolete I'm not saying it's not any good but there's better options at this point. It's kind of like cell phones your not gonna get an iPhone 5 when you can buy an iPhone 6


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Also would highly recommend making your own juice I don't even worry about juice consumption
I agree 100%. There is obviously an upfront investment and small learning curve, but that quickly pays off.

I got my Boreas yesterday and put it on my RX200. It is without a doubt the best setup I have ever used. I'm going to have a difficult time using my RDA's because it performs so well. I quickly blew through almost 30ml which cost me maybe a dollar or so to make. I'd be sad if I had payed $20+ for something pre-made. Don't get me wrong, there are some really tasty juices out there, I just can't justify the cost for the amount I use.


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RTA's are all I use any more. You don't have to be a master builder. A simple build will work just fine. I buy pre-made Clapton wire and use that in all my RTA's. Good luck with your decision.


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The Crius problem was due to the ceramic insulator cracking. It has now happened with both my v2 and v3 decks for my silver one :( I got a few months out of them, but that one is now trash, unfortunately. My black one is still fine.


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RTAs are great to have. Low cost of usage in terms of consumables needed to make it function. Ability to change resistances to change how you vape and how much liquid you use is a plus.

If you haven't built before and are interested you could get two different tanks. One single coil and one dual coil. This is a good way to start because you only need to worry about one coil and one wick. Build it at a moderate resistance. Then work on the dual coil and try something lower if you're into more power. You might like a more relaxed vape for certain occasions and less liquid consumption.


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RTAs are great to have. Low cost of usage in terms of consumables needed to make it function. Ability to change resistances to change how you vape and how much liquid you use is a plus.

If you haven't built before and are interested you could get two different tanks. One single coil and one dual coil. This is a good way to start because you only need to worry about one coil and one wick. Build it at a moderate resistance. Then work on the dual coil and try something lower if you're into more power. You might like a more relaxed vape for certain occasions and less liquid consumption.
That's actually a pretty good idea. I started with one of those ego starter kits I used it for like 3 days and then bought a goblin mini. So I learned how to build on a goblin mini which at the time was very difficult lol but in some ways it made me a better builder I skipped right over sub tanks and into rta's, and then drippers. Now there's a lot more options and starting with a single coil will make it easier. A lot if tanks have both single and dual coils maybe you should get one of them but I can't think of any that have big decks besides the griffin 25 which should be available any day now...


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I also highly recommend a Griffin. Aside from the wicking issue which is easy to overcome, the only downside is the capacity is kinda small. I have to refill mine at least 4 times a day, and that's not even vaping it exclusively.

Randy Mullins

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I'm on a tight budget and everyone is going bonkers over the boreas. I don't want to buy a bunch of tanks so I think that is the way I'll go. Maybe a single coil on one deck and a juice hog on the other since it comes with 2. Just need to decide on the wire I want to get. There's a lot of choices. I'm thinking SS and and a pre-made Clapton.
Any suggestion on gauge would be great
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Just need to decide on the wire I want to get. There's a lot of choices. I'm thinking SS and and a pre-made Clapton.
Any suggestion on gauge would be great
If you want some premade SS Clapton wire and don't mind the long shipping time, FastTech has some good stuff. I use a lot of this 26/32g and this 28/32g SS Clapton wire. The 26/32g is less springy (easier to make coils with).

If you want US made and shipped wire there's always Advanced Vape Supply here. I have spools of their 28x2/30g Fused Clapton wire and their Vertebraid wire (I don't recommend Vertebraid as much as their Clapton wire).

All of these premade wires work with temp control or normal power mode. If you are on a budget and want one good all around wire, the 26/32g Clapton wire from FastTech would be a fine choice. Fifteen feet of SS Clapton wire for $5.67 with free shipping is hard to beat. Hope this helps.


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I'm on a tight budget and everyone is going bonkers over the boreas. I don't want to buy a bunch of tanks so I think that is the way I'll go. Maybe a single coil on one deck and a juice hog on the other since it comes with 2. Just need to decide on the wire I want to get. There's a lot of choices. I'm thinking SS and and a pre-made Clapton.
Any suggestion on gauge would be great
I don't believe you can do a single coil on the boreas but I could be wrong. Either way the boreas is a good choice I ordered one the other day and I'm pretty excited for it. Wire depends I just started using ss today and it works nice on temp control I'm having burning issues though on regular wattage mode but it could be my build also I think I'm getting a funny taste. For just starting out I would go with kanthal it's basically the standard and easy to work with. If you are getting the boreas I'd get either 24g or 26g to start. If you go on ebay look for kbee's a1 or their stainless they have great prices it's like $8 for 250 ft. You can also look at they also have good prices and they are very reputatable. As far as premade coils I knows there's a lot of members on here who sell them also on ebay they have
a lot of people selling them if your gonna
Buy premade then I wouldn't get regular claptons you minds well get fused Claptons they give better flavor. As far as size I'm not sure because I don't have the boreas yet but I know should be able to fit at least 3.5 mm 5 wraps fused Claptons I personally make my own 2 strands 26g nichrome 80 wrapped with either 36g or 40g kanthal


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How's the vape with the single coil compared to duals? Trying to figure out what build I'm gonna start with when I get my boreas on Monday :)

The airflow can definitely be tighter. I like it, too, though. I have it on the 2mm hole deck. I like vaping single coil in the morning, and late at night.


"I don't believe you can do a single coil on the boreas but I could be wrong."
I just put a single coil in my boreas. The way boreas is wicked allows for easy single coils builds. Yes, it uses a lot of juice but it is well worth it. As for DIY, search for recipes by HIC (Head In the Clouds ) he has posted here a ton of great recipes, many using 2 or 3 extracts besides the vg/pg/nice base.


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The airflow can definitely be tighter. I like it, too, though. I have it on the 2mm hole deck. I like vaping single coil in the morning, and late at night.
Hmmm can't wait to try it. Knowing myself I'll put 10 different builds in it the day I get lol


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"I don't believe you can do a single coil on the boreas but I could be wrong."
I just put a single coil in my boreas. The way boreas is wicked allows for easy single coils builds. Yes, it uses a lot of juice but it is well worth it. As for DIY, search for recipes by HIC (Head In Clouds ) he has posted here a ton of great recipes, many using 2 or 3 extracts besides the vg/pg/nice base.
I've tried hundreds of recipes I think I'm just a picky bitch but I did finally find another recipe I liked yesterday it's a clone of Bombies 'Nana cream. It might be my new favorite


Well. ...let's see it:wave: I never thought I was a dessert vapor fan but HIC''s simple tiramisu and apple pie /marzipan recipes won me over :popcorn:


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I'm on a tight budget and everyone is going bonkers over the boreas. I don't want to buy a bunch of tanks so I think that is the way I'll go. Maybe a single coil on one deck and a juice hog on the other since it comes with 2. Just need to decide on the wire I want to get. There's a lot of choices. I'm thinking SS and and a pre-made Clapton.
Any suggestion on gauge would be great

You can buy permade UD clapton wire at VapeNW, it clean, cheap, and makes great coils.....they have a variety available in15 foot spools...I think I paid 6 something per spool.


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Well. ...let's see it:wave: I never thought I was a dessert vapor fan but HIC''s simple tiramisu and apple pie /marzipan recipes won me over :popcorn:
Lol I thought the same thing I was all about the fruit vapes but I'm starting to discover I might like desserts better only issue is I bought all the wrong flavors for diying I got all fruit and no desert until about a month ago I'm slowly building up my dessert flavoring arsenal it sucks because I probably have like 50+ fruit flavors and maybe 4 desert and most of them are 4oz bottles. I just got tfa banana cream and tfa vanilla bourbon (not sure if I like it yet) and flavourart fresh cream and lorann cheesecake actually that might be it. I have to save some money and get more...


One of the best places I found for FA extracts is Nicotine River ( $6.50 for 60 ml bottles). They have the other brands as well, just some of them are a little limited. You can ask them to bring in new flavors and usually they bring them in. If you get FA Apple pie and FA Marzipan you're golden! It is one of my favorites.


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One of the best places I found for FA extracts is Nicotine River ( $6.50 for 60 ml bottles). They have the other brands as well, just some of them are a little limited. You can ask them to bring in new flavors and usually they bring them in. If you get FA Apple pie and FA Marzipan you're golden! It is one of my favorites.
I buy my fa flavors from you can get 4oz for 17.99 so that's about 120 ml so it's around the same price but this forum has a 6% coupon code for I think it's VU6. Granted if you buy one bottle you only save about $1 I think they charge $5 for 30 ml.

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