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Tobacco use among youth holds steady, vaping on rise


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Despite fewer cigarette smokers more are using electronic cigarettes, known as vaping.
So fewer kids are SMOKING and more are VAPING, with the total of both being counted as "Tobacco use", which is not increasing?

I'd call that a WIN. Better they vape than smoke.

The report shows 16% of high school students and 5.3% of middle school students use e-cigarettes — making them kids' favorite method of smoking
Uh, no. Vaping does not produce any smoke, hence it is not a method of smoking.

The article is :poop:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
the CDC huh.
I've learned far more about smoking from vapers than from the CDC....In fact the things I've learned about smoking from vapers leads me to believe that the CDC,and the goverment don't WANT people to stop smoking...I learned for example that nicotine in itself is 1) not that dangerous a drug, and that 2) nicotine in itself is not as addictive as they would have us believe. What is addictive is the MAOI/WTA in smoking. It is the naturally occuring anti-depressants that people consume smoking that creates the killer cravings...Alot of us who've been around the vape scene a while have tried or know people who have tried e-juice with WTAs in them and we know people who were only able to kick smoking using WTAs. in their juice...this is an issue I have never seen the CDC or the FDA address or even comment on.
I would much rather see kids vaping straight nicotine which is a far easier addiction to kick, than smoking nicotine laced with MAOIs.When the time comes when these teenagers decide to quit being "cool" and give up vaping it will be much easier for them to quit.
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