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Today I got a smok RSBT2, very happy.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi people, after getting an aspire nautilus and my first RDA, I wanted a rebuildable tank atomizer.

I chose the smok RSBT2, as it was cheap at the shop I buy from in the UK, and had good reviews.

I am running it at the moment single coil at 1.2 ohms, and it provides tonnes of flavour, and a mix of vapour between the nautilus and the RDA, so not insane, but not exactly stealthy either, I wouldn't be able to able to stealth vape with this lol.

Really simple to build on, and to put together, and holds a fair bit of juice.

All in all I am very happy with it though, and am using it today as my tank. I don't know if it will replace the nautilus due to the flavour of the nautilus is amazing, BUT I have only tried the standard Drip tip it came with, so I have a feeling if I experiment, I may be able to get even more flavour. If so, then I will use this as my main tank.

Also, it works great from 9 watts all the way up to about 25, so is versatile, the sweet spot seems to be about 11-12.5 watts, although I am experimenting with wattage for maximum taste.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
A tip for this device-Where the airholes are around level with the wicking, it can leak, and did so yesterday if I left the airholes open while not in use.

I closed them completely and kept some juice in it overnight, no leakage. So If you are not going to vape for a while and don't want juice anywhere or on you, close the airholes.

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