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Tomorrow will be my 1 yeay vapeversary!


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Last year, my wife asked me to quit smoking with her. I had smoked for 29 years, and I had never once tried to quit. I was afraid that I would fail, so I just didn't try. She picked November 1st as our quit date at the end of September. All through October, I didn't even give it a thought. My wife had already been using a small cigalike since August, and she had reduced her smoking by about half. On October 30th, I came home to her ranting that I hadn't even thought about quitting the next day. I told her, "Sure I have. I've already done my research. All I need to do is go pick it up tomorrow on my way home from work.". I was lying, of course. So on October 31st, 2013, I stopped at a local vape shop and picked up a Kanger EVOD VV starter kit. It had 2 650mah VV batteries, 2 Mini Protank 2s, and a charger in it. I bought 2 flavors of 18mg juice to go with it. When I got home, I put one of the batteries on the charger and had dinner. After dinner, I filled up a tank and started my vaping journey. On Wednesday, November 6th, I lit a smoke while bringing the empty trash cans from the curb to the back of the house. As I got back to where the trash cans go, I remembered taking the cigarette out of my mouth, looking at it, and saying to myself, "These things are terrible. Vaping tastes so much better, I am done with these.". I snuffed it out, and tossed it in the trash can. That was my last one. I haven't looked back, and I don't miss it at all. Next Wednesday will be my 1 year non-smoking anniversary.

My wife still smokes... :eek: She tried to get to 0 nic within the first 3 weeks. I settled on 12mg, and have stayed there. I went to 0 nic for 10 days until I passed the insurance company nicotine screening, and then went right back to 12mg juice because stopping for 10 days was so easy and I figured why not? I can go to 0 nic again for next year's physical.

Thanks for listening. Good luck to everyone else that wants to quit smoking!
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years


You've come a looong way in a very short time...right on. :)

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